Приказ резултата 80-99 од 1654

      An examination of the relationship between intelligence and attachment in adulthood [1]
      Analiza procesa ocenjivanja na časovima matematike [1]
      Analiza udžbenika i radne sveske za predmet poznavanje društva za IV razred osnovne škole [1]
      Analysis of sociodemographics, diagnostic characteristics and suicide attempt method of hospitalized suicide attempters [1]
      Analysis of textbook and workbook for subject introduction to social sciences in the 4th grade of elementary school [1]
      Analyzing data from memory tasks - comparison of ANOVA, logistic regression and mixed logit model [1]
      Analyzing everyday experiences of long-term psychiatric service users in Serbia [1]
      Anxiety sensitivity [1]
      Application and validation of an implicit association test in the measurement of implicit prejudice among children [1]
      Approaches and strategies for multicultural teacher education - Experiences from the United States of America [1]
      Approaches to assessment of student academic achievements: A critical review [1]
      Are students in Italy really disinterested in science? A person-centered approach using the PISA 2015 data [1]
      ARTEM-IS for ERP: Agreed Reporting Template for EEG Methodology -International Standard for documenting studies on Event-Related Potentials [1]
      Artificial morality: Making of the artificial moral agents [1]
      Assesment of distress among oncology patients after the completion of the treatment [1]
      Assessing maladaptive cognitions related to online gaming: Proposing an adaptation of online cognitions scale [1]
      Assessing the candidate in the selection interview: The role of interviewer's personality [1]
      Assessment of coarse and fine hand motor performance in asymptomatic subjects exposed to hand-arm vibration [1]
      Assessment of divorce-related negative issues on minor children and possible interventions [1]
      Assessment of grammar comprehension: Adaptation of TROG for Serbian language [1]