Приказ резултата 252-271 од 1650

      Da li nas kulturna participacija čini srećnijim? Omiljene aktivnosti u slobodno vreme i sreća na reprezentativnom uzorku građana Srbije [1]
      Da li očni pokreti odgovaraju sadržaju mentalnih predstava? [1]
      Dark and Peculiar The Key Features of Militant Extremist Thinking Pattern? [1]
      Darovitost - izazovi pri definisanju, identifikaciji i obrazovanju darovitih osoba [1]
      Dečje shvatanje 'ludila' i 'lude osobe' [1]
      Defining the Self in Terms of Power, Plurality and Social Embeddedness – the Model of the Agonistic Self [1]
      Definition of empathy in psychology [1]
      Delamo zajedno, učimo zajedno: Primena Teorije delatnosti na proučavanje škole kao zajednice učenja [1]
      Delegitimizacija etničkog identiteta: ideološki i metaidentitietski prediktori [1]
      Democratic Political Culture in Serbia Before and After Democratic Changes [1]
      Demokratizacija političke kulture postkomunističkih društava – pro et contra kulturološkog i institucionalnog modela [1]
      Denotative and connotative meanings of paintings [1]
      Depresivni, anksiozni i somatizacioni simptomi i kvalitet života u poremećajima povezanim sa stresom [1]
      Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among Music Students in Serbia [1]
      Depressive, anxious and somatization symptoms and quality of life in stress-related disorders [1]
      Destroying things for pleasure: On the relation of sadism and vandalism [1]
      Determinants of quality of life among individuals seeking mental health care after termination of state of emergency due to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic [1]
      Determinants of quality of life in people with epilepsy in Serbia [1]
      Developing paediatric palliative care in Serbia: Parents’ point of view [1]
      Developing Self Instead of Depression: Mediating Paths to Emerging Adults’ Mental Health [1]