Приказ резултата 868-887 од 1651

      People with physical disability in Serbia: Relationship between internalized stigma, experienced and anticipated discrimination, and empowerment [1]
      Perceived and Measured Physical Fitness of Police Students [1]
      Perceived outgroup threat makes it harder to attribute complex identities to minority groups [1]
      Perceived social support as a moderator between negative life events and depression in adolescence: implications for prediction and targeted prevention [1]
      Percepcija realizacije rodne komponente preventivnog programa „Škola bez nasilja“ [1]
      Perception of emotions as a predictor of social functioning and the quality of life in patients with schizophrenia [1]
      Perception of illusory contour figures: Microgenetic analysis [1]
      Perceptions of Aging Across 26 Cultures and Their Culture-Level Associates [1]
      Perceptive effects of image distortion [1]
      Perceptivne dimenzije stila u slikarstvu [1]
      Perceptivni efekti degradacije slike [1]
      Perceptual dimensions of style in paintings [1]
      Perceptual grouping constrains inhibition in time-based visual selection [1]
      Perceptual richness and its role in free and cued recall [1]
      Perceptual, semantic and affective dimensions of experience of abstract and representational paintings [1]
      Perfectionism and body shape concerns in female students with dysfunctional eating attitudes and behaviour [1]
      Perfectionism Dimensions in Children: Association with Anxiety and Depression [1]
      Perpetrators of thefts, perpetrators of robberies and persons with no criminal record: The differences in amorality and socio-economic characteristics [1]
      Personal and Relational Construct Psychotherapy [1]
      Personal and social attitudes towards political parties [1]