Now showing items 20-39 of 43

      Novi pristupi u otkrivanju psiholoških faktora rizika življenja u alkoholičarskim porodicama [1]
      Odnos egzekutivnih funkcija i crta ličnosti [1]
      Odnos između implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera ličnosti - mogućnosti Testa implicitnih asocijacija (IAT) u proceni bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti [1]
      Perception of illusory contours: a spatiotemporal characteristics [1]
      Polysemy effect in processing of Serbian nouns [1]
      Profesionalna etička uverenja i postupci kliničkih psihologa u Srbiji [1]
      Professional ethical beliefs and behaviors of clinical psychologists in Serbia [1]
      Prostorno-vremenski činioci percepcije iluzornih kontura [1]
      Psihološke reakcije dece i adolescenata na malignu bolest i lečenje - procena i podrška [1]
      Psychological reactions of children and adolscents to malignant disease and treatment - assessment and support [1]
      Razumevanje zlostavljanja na radu kroz analizu doživljavanja negativnih postupaka [1]
      Razvoj estetske preferencije slika [1]
      Relations between implicit and explicit measures of personality - prospects of Implicit Association Test (IAT) in assessment of basic personality traits [1]
      Savremeni pristupi proceni inteligencije : prediktivna valjanost testova socio-emocionalne i praktične inteligencije [1]
      Teacher concerns and coping mechanisms [1]
      The development of understanding of symbolic processes in the causation of emotions [1]
      The effects of transcranial neuromodulation of fronto-parietal functional network on higher cognitive functions [1]
      The nonword repetition task as a procedure for assessing phonological development at the preschool age : the possibility of specific language impairment discrimination in the Serbian language [1]
      The relation between executive functions and personality traits [1]
      Understanding of workplace bullying through analysis of perception of negative acts [1]