Приказ резултата 89-108 од 1002

      Big Data - a Big Deal for Sociology? [1]
      Biti LGBTTIQ - značenja koja nas oblikuju [1]
      Bliskost i intimni odnosi u doba pandemije: prakse i diskursi – primer Srbije [1]
      Bologna reform in higher education in Serbia: Mapping factors of low efficiency of studding [1]
      Bolonjska reforma visokog školstva u Srbiji - mapiranje faktora niske efikasnosti studiranja [1]
      Bosna i sociologija - moral i saznanje, kritički osvrt na knjigu Keith Doubt: Sociologija nakon Bosne, Sarajevo, Buybook, 2003 [1]
      Bračnost stanovništva Vojvodine na početku trećeg milenijuma [1]
      Capturing change: Doing research in a society undergoing transformation [1]
      Carl Schmitt's attitude towards total war and total enemy on the eve of the outbreak of WWII [1]
      Causal analysis of categorical data: Prehistory and beginnings of multivariate analysis in sociology [1]
      Changes in post-war Belgrade in Serbian writers' novels [1]
      Changes in the recruitment patterns of the economic and political elites in Serbia [1]
      Changes in transition to adulthood of young people in Serbia between 2003 and 2011 [1]
      Changes in Value Orientations in Serbia, 2003-2018. Patriarchy, Authoritarianism and Nationalism [1]
      Changes of marital behavior and family patterns in post-socialist countries: Delayed, incomplete or specific second demographic transition? [1]
      Characteristics of the persons accommodated in the special prison hospital in Belgrade [1]
      Characteristics of the structural and valueideological divergence of the population and elites in the context of global rise and the crises of neoliberalism: the case of Serbia [1]
      Characteristics of transition to adulthood of young people with mental health problems [1]
      Childbirth and marital crisis: Case study and couple therapy [1]
      Childhood as the social construction: Foundations for a sociology of childhood [1]