Now showing items 206-225 of 321

      Procena ranog komunikacijskog i govorno-jezičkog razvoja dece srpskog govornog područja [1]
      Promoting democratic capacities of media communication and critical discourse analysis [1]
      Prosodic complexity in the nonword repetition task: Language assessment of Serbian typically developing and children with specific language impairment [1]
      Prospects of implicit measures in assessment of defensive function of explicit homophobia in heterosexuals [1]
      Provera faktorske strukture baterije za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti KOG9 [1]
      Psihologija individualnih razlika – Ambulatorno procenjivanje kao pristup u merenju [1]
      Psihometrijske karakteristike srpske verzije Vekslerove skale za procenu inteligencije kod odraslih - četvrta revizija (WAIS-IV) [1]
      Psihosocijalni kontekst opijanja srednjoškolaca [1]
      Psycho-social context of teenage alcohol abuse [1]
      Psychological challenges faced by refugee minors in Serbia [1]
      Psychological screening of refugees [1]
      Psychological vulnerabilities among asylum seekers in the Republic of Serbia [1]
      Psychological wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia [1]
      Psychometric evaluation of the Militant Extremist Mindset Scale [1]
      Psychometric evaluation of the Serbian dictionary for automatic text analysis: LIWCser [1]
      Psychometric properties and factor structure of Refugee Health Screener (RHS-13) [1]
      Psychometric properties and structural validity of the Serbian version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBIser) [1]
      Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale: Fourth edition (WAIS-IV) [1]
      Public figures as role models of Serbian adolescents: Preferences and reasons [1]
      Publishing Research With Undergraduate Students via Replication Work: The Collaborative Replications and Education Project [1]