Now showing items 167-186 of 321

      No evidence of tDCS placebo-effect on associative and working memory performance in healthy adults [1]
      Nonword repetition accuracy in Serbian preschool children [1]
      Object Relatives Can Ease Processing Load: Evidence from Serbian [1]
      Obrasci ponašanja mladih tokom slobodnog vremena [1]
      Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija [1]
      Odnos između socioekonomskog statusa i motivacije za izbor profesije nastavnika [1]
      Odustajanje od školovanja - analiza studija slučaja iz ugla ekološkog pristupa [1]
      Odustajanje od u školovanja u osnovnom i srednjem obrazovanju u Republici Srbiji [1]
      On the Relation of Boredom and Sadistic Aggression [1]
      Opšta kreativna sposobnost i aspekti kreativnog mišljenja kod umetnika i neumetnika [1]
      Oslonci za konceptualizaciju pojma ekspertsko mišljenje [1]
      Osobene odlike mladih nadarenih ritmičkih gimnastičarki [1]
      Parents' perspective in the evaluation of a parental report inventory for the assessment of child communication development [1]
      Parts of speech in early Serbian child language [1]
      Personality traits of young gifted rhythmic gymnasts [1]
      Personalized frequency modulated transcranial electrical stimulation for associative memory enhancement [1]
      Personalized theta frequency-modulated transcranial electric stimulation for associative memory improvement [1]
      Personalized transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) for modulation of associative memory performance [1]
      Phonological complexity and prosodic structure in assessment of Serbian phonological development [1]
      Physical self-concept of normal-weight and overweight adolescents: Gender specificities [1]