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Factors of the origin and sustainability of workers' self-management: "worker-recuperated enterprises" in Argentina in a historical-comparative perspective

dc.contributor.advisorCvejić, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherLazić, Mladen
dc.contributor.otherMiladinović, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherMojić, Dušan
dc.creatorPetrović, Irena
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj doktorske disertacije predstavlja analiza činilaca nastanka i održivosti radničkog samoupravljanja, kao oblika kolektivnog delanja radničke klase. U cilju utvrđivanja determinističke vrednosti različitih faktora analiza je smeštena u uporedni okvir. Model radničkog samoupravljanja u obliku 'oporavljenih preduzeća' (Empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores – ERT) u Argentini do čije pojave je došlo u jeku dramatične ekonomske krize početkom dvehiljaditih izabran je kao iskustveni okvir na čijem primeru su empirijskim istraživanjem analizirani faktori održivosti. Pored usmerenosti analize na 'oporavljena preduzeća' u Argentini, predmet razmatranja predstavljao je i model radničkog samoupravljanja u Jugoslaviji. U radu se pošlo od hipoteze da su nastanak i održivost radničkog samoupravljanja uslovljeni kombinacijom unutrašnjih i spoljašnjih činilaca (odnosno činilaca unutar i izvan preduzeća). Preciznije, testirana je hipoteza da spoljašnji činioci osiguravaju opšte okvire pojave radničkog samoupravljanja, dok mogućnost njegove konsolidacije počiva na konstelaciji niza unutrašnjih faktora. Rezultati analize radničkog samoupravljanja u Jugoslaviji i Argentini pokazali su da je hipoteza o činiocima uspostavljanja i učvršćivanja radničkog samoupravljanja u velikoj meri potvrđena. Na osnovu relativno opširne istorijske i empirijske analize donosi se zaključak da spoljašnji faktori obezbeđuju opšte pretpostavke za pojavu radničkog samoupravljanja, dok unutrašnji ostvaruju direktan uticaj na održivost ovakvog jednog procesa. Preciznije, spoljašnje pretpostavke u vidu sistemskih i strukturalnih činilaca stvaraju opštu mogućnost nastanka radničkog samoupravljanja, dok je veza između ove grupe faktora i održivosti radničkog samoupravljanja posredovana organizacijskim i akcijskim činiocima koji imaju neposredan uticaj. Ipak, kao osnovni faktori koji organizuju i oblikuju ostale faktore ističu se sistemski činioci. U sklopu unutrašnjih faktora, poredbeni plan analize je pokazao da ekonomski, organizacijski i vrednosni činioci (u smislu vrednosne i interesne konzistentnosti) imaju posebnu važnost za održivost radničkog
dc.description.abstractThe primary objective of the doctoral dissertation is to analyze factors related to the emergence and sustainability of workers’ self-management, as a form of the collective action of the working class. In order to establish the deterministic values of different factors, the analysis was set within a comparative framework. A model of workers’ self-management in the form of “worker- recuperated enterprises” (Empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores – ERT) in Argentina, which emerged in the midst of the dramatic economic crisis in early 2000, was chosen as an experiential framework in which sustainability factors were analyzed applying empirical research. In addition to the focus on “worker-recuperated enterprises” in Argentina, the analysis also considered the workers’ self-management model in Yugoslavia. The dissertation started from the hypothesis that the sustainability of workers’ self-management is conditioned by a combination of internal and external factors (i.e. factors within and out of the company). More specifically, it tested the hypothesis that external factors ensure the general framework supporting the emergence of workers’ self-management, while the possibility of its consolidation relies on the constellation of a number of internal factors. The analysis of workers’ self-management in Yugoslavia and Argentina resulted in confirming the hypothesis about the factors affecting establishment and consolidation of workers’ self-management to a great extent. A relatively extensive historical and empirical analysis led to the conclusion that external factors ensure the general assumptions for the emergence of workers’ self-management, while internal factors have direct effects on the sustainability of such a process. In other words, external assumptions in the form of systemic and structural factors create the general possibility of the emergence of workers’ self-management, whereas the interconnection between these groups of factors and the sustainability of workers’ self-management are interposed by organizational and activity factors which have direct influence. Nevertheless, systemic factors stand out as key factors that organize and shape other factors. As regards internal factors, a comparative analysis plan showed that economic, organizational and value factors (in terms of value and interest consistency) have a special significance in the sustainability of workers’ self-management.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179035/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectradničko samoupravljanjesr
dc.subjectworkers’ self-managementen
dc.subjectradnička klasasr
dc.subjectempresas recuperadassr
dc.subjectkolektivno delanjesr
dc.subjectworking classen
dc.subjectempresas recuperadasen
dc.subjectcollective actionen
dc.titleČinioci nastanka i održivosti radničkog samoupravljanja: "oporavljena preduzeća" u Argentini u istorijsko-uporednoj perspektivisr
dc.title.alternativeFactors of the origin and sustainability of workers' self-management: "worker-recuperated enterprises" in Argentina in a historical-comparative perspectiveen



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