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Repairs and extended use of ceramic vessels:an example of an early Neolitic bowl from Kovacke Njive

dc.contributorBorić Brešković, Bojana
dc.creatorVuković, Jasna
dc.description.abstractУ раду је приказана здела чије је дно, пошто је поломљено током употребе, заравњено, чиме је продужен њен употребни век. Размотрен је изглед очуваних абразивних трагова и реконструисана је активност током које су настали. Претпостављено је да је здела поправљена услед недостатка нових посуда, што је последица сезонске израде керамике, типичне за неспецијализовану производњу.sr
dc.description.abstractThere is still not enough information in archaeological literature about examples of repairs and modifications of ceramic vessels, especially from the Early Neolithic period. The bottom of an Early Neolithic bowl from Kovačke Njive shows intensive traces of abrasion (Fig. 2). The initial surface with a coating was removed completely and represents a patch originated from abrasive action. The entire bottom was flattened, with a multitude of depressions and dents; they were created by the burning of organic inclusions and are cavities that occurred during the firing of the vessel or, possibly, were the result of larger mineral inclusions that fell out during the process of abrasion. At the same time, mineral temper (sand grains) is visible in a part of this zone, it remained in the vessel’s wall and are protruted, in relation to the clay body. Individual, different traces are visible on the edge of the zone of damage, which is usual for the periphery of the abraded zone. These are deeper, sharp, vertical, parallel notches on the transition from the bottom to the side of the vessel, but also quite shallow, parallel horizontal notches on the bottom’s edge. Considering that the abrasive process implies movement, during which either the ceramics or the abrasive or both are in motion, the different orientation and intensity of marks can also be an indication of the changing position of the vessel during the activity in which the traces were created. Abrasion on the bottom was created by the rubbing of an abrasive tool against the vessel, wherein the vessel had to be firmly held upside down. That means it was not the result of inflicted damage, but of a repair operation (curation). The bowl belongs to a group of vessels intended for serving and eating, which can be expected to have been broken relatively frequently. Early Neolithic ceramic production was non-specialised, which means that manufacturing took place in suitable weather conditions. Moreover, the ethno-archaeological research shows that the replacement rates also depended, among other things, on seasonal variations in the availability of vessels. Therefore, the repairs can be explained with the lack of availability of new vessels, because of which it was necessary to extend the damaged vessel’s use life.sr
dc.publisherНародни музеј у Београдуsr
dc.relationАрхеологија Србије: културни идентитет, интеграциони фактори, технолошки процеси и улога централног Балкана у развоју европске праисторије (177020)sr
dc.sourceЗборник Народног музеја у Београду, Археологијаsr
dc.subjectпродужен употребни векsr
dc.subjectКовачке њивеsr
dc.subjectextended service lifesr
dc.titleПоправке и продужена употреба керамичких посуда: пример ранонеолитске зделе с Ковачких Њиваsr
dc.titleRepairs and extended use of ceramic vessels:an example of an early Neolitic bowl from Kovacke Njivesr



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