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The phenomenon of "extended youth" in Belgrade: ethnological and anthropological analysis

dc.contributor.advisorBošković, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherMilenković, Miloš
dc.contributor.otherGačanović, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherIgnjatović, Suzana
dc.creatorMitrović, Dragan
dc.description.abstractPredmet ove doktorske disertacije je analiza fenomena „produžene mladosti“ u Beogradu. Ovaj fenomen podrazumeva „produženu“ tranziciju u odraslost, finansijsku, stambenu i drugu zavisnost mladih ljudi u roditeljskom domu. Njegovoj analizi u ovom radu pristupa se iz antropološke perspektive, pre svega utvrđivanjem kulturnih predstava vezanih za vreme i životni tok, prostor, domaćinstvo, emocije i brigu u porodici, kao i poziciju „drugih“ mladih. Osnovna pretpostavka u radu je da je fenomen „produžene mladosti“, osim ekonomskom i političkom situacijom, uslovljen i „kulturnom logikom“ proučavanog sociokulturnog konteksta. Shodno tome, cilj doktorske disertacije je da ukaže na kulturna značenja i kulturne predstave povezane sa shvatanjem mladosti, zavisnosti i zajedničkog života mladih ljudi i njihovih roditelja. Dalje, rad preispituje iznuđenost „produžene mladosti“ ekonomskim i političkim faktorima, nudeći komplementarno objašnjenje uticaja kulturnih predstava na shvatanje zrelog zajedničkog stanovanja kao „dobrog izbora“ u proučavanom kontekstu. Konačno, rad nastoji da dopuni i produbi istraživanja kulturnih predstava o životu i perspektivama mladih u domaćoj antropologiji. Kvalitativni metod i terensko istraživanje, kao i sa tim u vezi sprovedeni dubinski intervjui, za potrebe rada izabrani su kao metod koji će najbolje ukazati na kulturne predstave koje su u vezi sa proučavanim fenomenom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju kako učesnici u istraživanju sagledavaju svoje pozicije, anticipiraju perspektive u budućnosti, te na koji način doživljavaju „dobru“ mladost, roditeljstvo, brigu i slično. Rezultati prikazani i interpretirani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji potvrđuju osnovnu pretpostavku o uticaju kulturnih predstava na fenomen „produžene mladosti“.sr
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation analyses of the phenomenon of “extended youth“ in Belgrade. This phenomenon implies “prolonged“ transition to adulthood, financial, residential, and other dependence of young people in their parental homes. This phenomenon is approached from an anthropological perspective, mainly by identifying cultural representation of time, life cycle, space, household, emotions and family care of individuals experiencing “extended youth“, as well as their perspective on “the other” young people (both globally and locally). The main research hypothesis is that the “extended youth“ is, in addition to the economic and political situation, determined by the “cultural logic“ of a particular sociocultural context. Therefore, the aim of this doctoral dissertation is to describe and analyse cultural meanings and cultural representations related to the understanding of the youth, dependance and the coresidency. The present work also examines the extent to which economic and political factors pushed for the “extended youth”, by offering a complementary explanation of the impact of cultural representations on the perception of mature coresidency as a “good choice” in the examined context. Last but not least, the dissertation decisively contributes to research on cultural representations of the life and perspectives of young people in Serbian anthropology. The qualitative method and field research, as well as the in-depth interviews, were chosen for the purposes of the present work as the methods that will most effectively emphasize the cultural representations related to the studied phenomenon. The obtained results present how the research participants perceive their current positions, expect their future to look like, as well as their perception of “good“ youth, parenthood, care etc. The conclusions confirm the main assumption about the influence of cultural representations on the phenomenon of “extended youth“.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177017/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177035/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectmladi, produžena mladost, tranzicija u odraslost, Beograd, roditeljstvo, domaćinstvo, briga, liminalnostsr
dc.subjectyouth, extended youth, transition to adulthood, Belgrade, parenthood, household, care, liminalityScientific field: Ethnologyen
dc.titleFenomen "produžene mladosti" u Beogradu: etnološko - antropološka analizasr
dc.title.alternativeThe phenomenon of "extended youth" in Belgrade: ethnological and anthropological analysisen



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