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Curtural heritage in mixed reality spaces

dc.contributorMedin, Dušan
dc.creatorJokanović, Milena B.
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih nekoliko decenija je, sa jedne strane, nesumnjivo prepoznatljivo po sve češćim i inovativnijim pristupima interpretaciji i upotrebi kulturnog nasleđa u kontekstu kulturnih i kreativnih industrija, odnosno kreativne ekonomije. Sa druge strane, ubrzan tehnološki razvoj i široka dostupnost uređaja poput mobilnih telefona i tableta, te sve veća proizvodnja i upotreba VR naočara i setova za glavu, koji nas vrlo lako izmeštaju iz fizičke u virtuelnu realnost, doveli su do učestalije prezentacije baštine uz pomoć novih medija, te ovakve inicijative možemo prepoznati kao posebnu granu kreativninh industrija koja odgovara na potrebe novih generacija digitalnih urođenika i sve prisutniju transmedijalnu komunikaciju. Primena savremenih tehnologija proširene (AR) i virtuelne (VR) stvarnosti prilikom predstavljanja kulturnog nasleđa doprinosi ne samo očuvanju baštine, već i jačanju turističke ponude, a mnoge lokalitete čini dostupnijim i vidljivijim. Cilj ovog rada jeste da se kroz kratak osvrt na dosadašnju primenu pomenutih tehnologija u sektoru kulturnog nasleđa i analizu odabranih primera preispitaju potencijali interpretacije i prezentacije baštine Srbije u prostorima mešovite stvarnosti. Posebna pažnja biće posvećena studiji Holograd XR (Mixed Reality) platfrome za stvaranje virtuelnih prostornih narativa i novih formi komunikacije na granici fizičkog i digitalnog sveta.sr
dc.description.abstractThe last several decades can certainly be recognized by increasingly frequent and innovative approaches in the interpretation and use of cultural heritage in the context of cultural and creative industries, i.e. creative economy. At the same time, accelerated technological development and the wide availability of devices such as mobile phones and tablets, along with the growing production and use of VR glasses and headsets, which very easily move us from physical to virtual reality, have led to a more frequent presentation of heritage using new media. Thus, such initiatives could be recognized as a special branch of creative industries that responds to the needs of new generations of digital natives and increasingly present transmedia communication. The application of modern augmented (AR) and virtual (VR) reality technologies in the presentation of cultural heritage contributes not only to the preservation of heritage, but also to the strengthening of the tourism offer, and increases the accessibility and visibility of many sites. The aim of this paper is to examine the potential for the interpretation and presentation of Serbian heritage in mixed reality spaces through a brief overview of the previous application of the above technologies in the cultural heritage sector and an analysis of selected examples. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the Holograd XR (mixed reality) platform for creating virtual spatial narratives and new forms of communication at the border between the physical and digital world.sr
dc.publisherHERAedu, Beogradsr
dc.sourceLimes Plus 1/2022, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanitiessr
dc.subjectmešovita stvarnostsr
dc.subjectnovi medijisr
dc.subjectkulturno nasleđesr
dc.subjectHolograd platformasr
dc.subjectmixed realitysr
dc.subjectnew mediasr
dc.subjectcultural heritagesr
dc.subjectHolograd platformsr
dc.titleKulturno nasledjđe u prostorima mešovite stvarnostisr
dc.titleCurtural heritage in mixed reality spacessr



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