Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Sites of suffering as spaces of remembrance. From recognizing inheritance to creating a common heritage

dc.contributorКадијевић, Александар
dc.creatorБожић Маројевић, Милица
dc.description.abstractТурбулентне године на крају XX и почетку XXI века донеле су бројне друштвене, политичке, идеолошке промене у нашем региону и уз њих трансформацију поимања културног пејзажа и визуелне културе. Истовремено сe дешавала и реконтекстуализација разумевања вредности тековина наслеђиваних из прошлости. Нешто што нам је до јуче било заједнички именитељ, престало је да важи, а доминантан дискурс преузеле су неке нове, за већину грађана непрепознатљиве иницијативе. Пратећи тренд других земаља у којима се догодила коренита измена политичке климе, доносиоци одлука су почели да преузимају готова решења за креирање „новог наслеђа“, која у широј јавности никада нису заживела. Ипак, постоји ли начин да се приближи, односно прихвати нежељено наслеђе прошлости и како можемо да формирамо заједничку баштину? Та питања су окосница овог истраживања. С тим у вези, рад ће се, пре свега, бавити препознавањем дисонанце у наслеђу београдског Старог сајмишта, моделима његове интерпретације и, коначно, визијама његове трансформације у баштину која припада свима нама.sr
dc.description.abstractAfter five decades of the conditional (or perhaps conditioned) brotherhood and unity, the transition from the 20th to the 21st century will be remembered as an era of numerous sociological, political and ideological changes. Such transformations in society have brought a re-contextualization of the values inherited from the past. The devastation of memory was supported by the devastation of symbolic content, which resulted in changes in the visual culture and cultural landscapes. In other words, something that was our common denominator until yesterday has ceased to be valid, and some new, still incomprehensible and unrecognizable initiatives have been imposed as the dominant discourse. This is not happening for the first time in our recent history. After 1945, the notion of the past had a conceived and culturally justified form; in the 1980s, communist ideas were replaced by nationalist ones; since 2000, the achievements of the Second World War have been reinterpreted. Shifting from one to anther ideology has done a huge injustice to the public spaces of Belgrade. Namely, the monuments that are being erected, often without adequate legal procedures, mostly follow the long-outdated nineteenth-century tradition of figural sculpture. When we talk about (un)marked places of suffering, the situation is further complicated. Although the culture of remembrance and activation of the city’s memory has been in the focus since the 1980s, the result of increased interest did not bring the expected results. Decent marking of the places of suffering was missing, which is why today we have a situation where memorials in the city and suburban municipalities are mostly neglected. The lack of a clear state strategy, non-compliance with existing legal regulations in the field of organized heritage protection, as well as the lack of cooperation between institutions are just some of the reasons why we have this kind of situation. Additional problems are inadequate education, presentation of heritage that does not follow modern trends in communication, interpretation based on questionable ideological connotations, dehumanization of victims, underdeveloped social awareness and, in general, disinterest and carelessness. However, is there a way to approach or accept the unwanted heritage of the past and how can we work on forming a common heritage? These questions are the backbone of this research. In this regard, the paper will, above all, deal with the recognition of dissonance in the heritage of Staro Sajmište, models of its interpretation and, finally, visions of its transformation into a heritage that belongs to all of
dc.publisherФилозофски факултет, Универзитет у Београдуsr
dc.relationПројекат "Човек и друштво у време кризе" финансиран од стране Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београдуsr
dc.sourceКултурна баштина и криза - херитолошки и архитектонски аспектsr
dc.subjectнежељено наслеђеsr
dc.subjectместа страдањаsr
dc.subjectместа сећањаsr
dc.subjectСтаро сајмиштеsr
dc.subjectunwanted heritagesr
dc.subjectplaces of sufferingsr
dc.subjectplaces of memorysr
dc.subjectStaro Sajmištesr
dc.titleМеста страдања као места сећања: од препознавања наслеђа до креирања заједничке баштинеsr
dc.titleSites of suffering as spaces of remembrance. From recognizing inheritance to creating a common heritagesr



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