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Vojin Milić’s Contribution to the Study of Global Inequalities in the Production of Knowledge: A Theoretical Consideration of the Use of the Conceptual Pair Center-Periphery in the Study of the Organization of Science

dc.contributorManić, Zeljka
dc.contributorMirkov, Anđelka
dc.creatorPešić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractTokom proteklih decenija, sa sve snažnijim procesima akademskog umrežavanja, raste i broj radova koji problematizuju pitanje globalnih akadem- skih nejednakosti, nudeći teorijske elaboracije uzroka, posledica i načina na koji se strukturiše globalna hijerarhija u proizvodnji znanja. S obzirom na to da se pomenute nejednakosti strukturišu na političkom, ekonomskom, kulturnom i geografskom nivou, o njima se neretko govori u terminima teorija zavisnosti i teorije svetskog sistema (gde se linije distinkcije povlače između centra, polu- periferije i periferije) ili savremenih postkolonijalnih teorija (u okviru kojih se razlikuju globalni sever, globalni jug i, u novije vreme, globalni istok). Problem nejednakosti u globalnoj proizvodnji znanja u sociologiji se poslednjih godina sve više tematizuje ili koristi kao analitički koncept i u okviru domaće nauke o društvu. Međutim, pionirski rad, koji je na pomenutu tendenciju ukazao znatno ranije no što je ona postala u potpunosti uobličena i u nauci o društvu popula- rizovana, vezuje se za Vojina Milića. Reč je o tekstu pod nazivom „Odnosi sre- dište–periferija kao problem u društvenim proučavanjima nauke”, objavljenom 1989. godine u časopisu Sociologija, odnosno 1995. godine u okviru obimne monografije Sociologija
dc.description.abstractDuring the past decades, with intensification of the processes of academic networking, the number of works that problematize global academic inequalities, offering theoretical elaborations of causes, consequences and mechanisms of the structuring of global hierarchies in knowledge production, is also growing. Given that these inequalities are structured on a political, economic, cultural and geographical level, they are often discussed in terms of dependency and world-system theory (where the lines of distinction are drawn between center, semi-periphery and periphery) or modern post-colonial theories (within which the Global North, Global South and, more recently, the Global East are distinguished). In recent years, the problem of inequality in the global production of knowledge has been increasingly thematized or used as an analytical concept within domestic social science, as well. However, one of the pioneering works, which pointed to the aforementioned tendency much earlier than it became fully formed and popularized in social science, is related to Vojin Milić’s text entitled „Center-periphery relations as a problem in the social study of science”, published first in 1989, within the journal Sociologija, and later in 1995, as part of the authors’ extensive monograph Sociology of Science
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.relationMinistarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, ugovor broj 451-03-68/2022-14/200163sr
dc.sourceSociološko nasleđe Vojina Milića - 100 godina od rođenjasr
dc.subjectglobalne nejednakostisr
dc.subjectproizvodnja znanjasr
dc.subjectorganizacija naukesr
dc.subjectVojin Milićsr
dc.subjectglobal inequalities
dc.subjectproduction of knowledge
dc.subjectorganization of science
dc.titleDoprinos Vojina Milića proučavanju globalnih nejednakosti u proizvodnji znanja: teorijsko razmatranje upotrebe konceptualnog para središte–periferija u proučavanju organizacije naukesr
dc.titleVojin Milić’s Contribution to the Study of Global Inequalities in the Production of Knowledge: A Theoretical Consideration of the Use of the Conceptual Pair Center-Periphery in the Study of the Organization of Science



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