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Characteristics of the structural and valueideological divergence of the population and elites in the context of global rise and the crises of neoliberalism: the case of Serbia

dc.contributorPešić, Jelena
dc.contributorBacković, Vera
dc.contributorMirkov, Anđelka
dc.creatorPešić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractGlobalni uspon neoliberalnog oblika regulacije kapitalističkog poretka, globalnih tržišta i supranacionalnih političko-bezbednosnih institucija označili su (privremeni?) kraj interesne utemeljenosti političkih elita u nacionalnim kon- tekstima, gde parlamentarne elite ubrzano gube moć, koja prelazi u ruke pred- stavnika izvršne vlasti (Lane, 2014: 111). Pored toga, sa širenjem multinacional- nih kompanija, ekonomske elite ubrzano počinju da se konstituišu na dualnim osnovama: s jedne strane, u njihov sastav ulaze predstavnici lokalnog krupnog kapitala, dok im se, s druge strane, u sve značajnijoj meri pridružuju predstavnici multinacionalnog (stranog) kapitala. Oslanjajući se na staru Polanjijevu tezu da neoliberalizam ima za posledicu nametanja tržišnih merila i vrednosti ne samo ekonomskoj nego i političkoj i društvenoj organizaciji, Dejvid Lejn tvrdi da se hegemone lokalne (političke i ekonomske) elite u sve značajnijoj meri oblikuju i reprodukuju shodno interesima i vrednostima globalnog kapitalističkog sistema, odnosno da u sve manjoj meri predstavljaju interese i dele strukturno-ideološke karakteristike lokalnih populacija. Navedeni proces Lejn naziva divergencijom (de-coupling) elita i populacije, nastojeći da ukaže na neke od njegovih karakteri- stika na primeru Velike Britanije (2014). Na temelju podataka koji su dobijeni putem kvantitativnih empirijskih istraživanja populacije, te predstavnika ekonomske i političke elite u Srbiji (2012–2015), kao i podataka dobijenih u ranijim istraži- vanjima elita i populacije (1989, 2003), nastojaćemo da testiramo ovu hipotezu poredeći odnos između sledećih elemenata u tri vremenske tačke: 1. strukturalne karakteristike: a) materijalni položaj elita i populacije, b) stepen obrazovanja, i c) klasno – slojno poreklo; i 2. vrednosno-ideološke karakteristike: stepen pristajanja uz vrednosti ekonomskog i političkog
dc.description.abstractThe global rise of the neo-liberal form of capitalist regulation, global markets and supra-national political and security institutions marked the (temporary?) end of the interest embededness of political elites in national contexts, with parliamentary elites rapidly losing their power that goes to the hands of representatives of the executive power (Lane, 2014: 111). In addition, with the expansion of multinational companies, economic elites are rapidly starting to be constituted on dual bases: on the one hand, they are comprised of representatives of local large-scale capital, while, on the other hand, of the representatives of multinational (foreign) capital. Drawing on the old Polanyi’s thesis that neoliberalism has the effect of imposing market benchmarks and values not only on economic but also on political and social organization, David Lane argues that hegemonic local (political and economic) elites are increasingly being shaped and reproduced according to the interests and values of the global capitalist system, that is, to a lesser degree, they represent the interests and share the structural-ideological characteristics of the local populations. Lane called this process a de-coupling of the elite and the population, striving to point out some of its characteristics on the example of the United Kingdom (2014). On the basis of the data obtained through quantitative empirical research of the population, representatives of the economic and political elites in Serbia (2012–2015), as well as data obtained in previous studies of elites and populations (1989, 2003), we will try to test this hypothesis by comparing the relationship between the following elements in three time points: 1. structural characteristics: a) the material position of the elite and the population, b) the level of education, and c) class origin; and 2. value-ideological characteristics: the degree of acceptance along of the values of economic and political
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179035/RS//sr
dc.sourceSrbija u uslovima globalne krize neoliberalnog oblika kapitalističke regulacijesr
dc.titleKarakteristike strukturalne i vrednosno-ideološke divergencije populacije i elita u kontekstu globalnog uspona i krize neoliberalizma: slučaj Srbijesr
dc.titleCharacteristics of the structural and valueideological divergence of the population and elites in the context of global rise and the crises of neoliberalism: the case of Serbiasr

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