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What is Philosophy for Ksenija Atanasijevic?

dc.contributorKatić, Ana
dc.contributorMijić, Jelena
dc.contributorNjegovan, Katarina
dc.creatorDeretić, Irina
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog predavanja je da ukaže na one novine u teorijskom stvaralaštvu Ksenije Atanasijević koje su uticale na to da ona postane najvećom srpskom filozofkinjom 20. veka. Pored izuzetne erudicije – počevši od njenog izvrsnog poznavanja gotovo svih perioda u istoriji filozofije, poglavito antičkog, preko filozofije Istoka sve do slovenskih i srpskih doprinosa teorijskoj i životnoj mudrosti – Ksenija Atanasijević je posedovala izraziti istraživački, polemički i sistematski dar. Životne nedaće je nisu sprečile da sve ove raznorodne sadržaje – kojima se kontinuirano bavila tokom svog dugog života – kritički preispita i prenese kako jugoslovenskoj, tako i međunarodnoj, a pre svega francuskoj javnosti. U ovom izlaganju nastojaću da preispitam odnos dve njene koncepcije filozofije: kao 1) „intelektualističkog“, izrazito preciznog i strogo pojmovnog mišljenja, kao i 2) gotovo neraščlanjenog filozofskog sadržaja artikulisanog u figurativnoj i simboličnoj formi naših narodnih umotvorina. Odnos između ova dva smisla filozofije u stvaralaštvu Ksenije Atanasijević mogao bi se višestruko protumačiti. Prema interpretativnoj hipotezi, koju zastupa Ilija Marić, reč je o svojevrsnom filozofskom „obrtu“ nastalom emancipacijom od filozofske škole i metafizičkog mišljenja Branislava Petronijevića, što je imalo za posledicu okretanje ka životnijoj i aktuelnijoj filozofiji koja se zasniva na intuiciji, duševnom iskustvu i praktičnoj
dc.description.abstractThe upshot of this lecture is to point out the novelties of the theoretical studies of Ksenija Atanasijevic which contribute to her becoming the best Serbian, women’s philosopher of the 20th century. Apart from her erudition – including her excellent knowledge of almost all periods of the history of philosophy, particularly the Ancient Greek one, as well as Philosophy of East and Slavic and Serbian contributions to practical wisdom – Ksenija Atanasijevic was a person of the exploring, critical, and systematic gift. Her life misfortunes did not prevent her from critically and systematically exploring all these various questions, with which she dealt continuously during her creative and long life. In addition, she published numerous papers and books in which she presented her views not only to the Yugoslav but also to the international Academic community, particularly the French one. In this presentation, I will particularly explore the relationship between the two concepts of philosophy in the works of Ksenija Anastasijevic: i) the first one is to be characterized as an intellectual one, based on the precise, and the stringent conceptual thinking, and ii) the second one based on the almost “indistinguishable” philosophical content articulated in the figurative form of the Serbian national heritage including epic and lyric poetry, puzzles, sayings, etc. The relationship between these two meanings of philosophy in her works might be interpreted in various fashions. Ilija Maric, for example, is of opinion that there is a specific “turn” in her philosophical development, caused by her emancipation of the metaphysical thought of Branislav Petronijevic, which resulted in Anastasijevic’s turning to for her the vital and more relevant questions, grounded on intuition, physic experiences, and practical
dc.publisherFilozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradusr
dc.sourceMeđunarodna naučna konferencija Filozofija Ksenije Atanasijević - knjiga apstrakatasr
dc.subjectKsenija Atanasijevićsr
dc.subjectživotna mudrostsr
dc.subjectsrpska kulturalna baštinasr
dc.subjectpractical wisdom,sr
dc.subjectphilosophical heritagesr
dc.titleŠta Ksenija Atanasijević podrazumeva pod filozofijomsr
dc.titleWhat is Philosophy for Ksenija Atanasijevic?sr

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