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Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Eastern Christian illustrated psalters as an emblem of God’s abode in Zion

dc.creatorМилорадовић, Кристина
dc.description.abstractЛиковна интерпретаци ја стихова Пс 67 (68): 15–16 у свим сачуваним источнохришћанским илустрованим псалтирима обухвата различите иконографске варијанте Навуходоносоровог сна, догађ ја описаног у старозаветној Књизи пророка Данила (Дан 2). Стихови псалма који говоре о гори „на којој омиље Богу живјети” и на којој ће „Господ живјети до вијека” изједначени су са сликом камена који ће се од горе одвалити без руку, сатрти статуу из Навуходоносоровог сна и постати планина која ће испунити сву земљу. У таквој семантичкој спрези Пс 67 (68) и прича о Навуходоносоровом сну фокусирају се на места Господњег пребивалишта на земљи (Синај, Сион), користећи богати репертоар библијских, догматско-литургијских и иконографских тема, попут симболичних слика теофанија и хијерофанија, префигурација Богомајке, Христа и Христовог Оваплоћења, те есхатолошких идеја Новог Сиона/Јерусалима.sr
dc.description.abstractPsalm 67 (68) re pre sents one of the ma jor tex tu al so ur ces for the sac ral to po graphy of the Old Te sta ment. Using va ri o us in ter tex tu al al lu si ons, the po et forms a dyna mic pic tu re of the mo ve ment of the Lord to get her with the pe o ple of Israel to the ir de si red de sti na tion. The po e tic cul mi na tion of the psalm are enig ma tic ver ses that de scri be the Lord’s abo de – The mo un ta ins of Bas han are ma je stic mo un ta ins; / rug ged are the mo un ta ins of Bas han. / Why ga ze in envy, O rugged mo un ta ins, / at the mo un tain whe re God cho o ses to re ign, / whe re the LORD him self will dwell fo re ver? [Ps 67 (68): 15–16]. The ca no ni cal re a ding of the psalm (in which the im por tant mo tif of the Ark of the Co ve nant is emp ha si zed) in di ca tes that the mo un tain the Lord cho se for his abo de and ho me is Mo unt Zion in Je ru sa lem. Con se qu ently, Ps 67 (68) be co mes part of a rich dog ma ticli tur gi cal cor pus that cha rac te ri ses Zion as the co smic cen ter of the Chri stian to po grap hic map and the lo cus san ctus which ab sor bed Si nai and Ede nic exe ge ti cal va lu es. The ar ti stic in ter pre ta tion of the ver ses of Ps 67 (68): 15–16 in all pre ser ved Ea stern Chri stian il lu stra ted psal ters in clu des va ri o us ico no grap hic va ri ants of Ne buc had nez zar’s dre am, the re presen ta tion of an event de scri bed in the Old Te sta ment bo ok of the prop het Da niel (Dan 2). The wellknown story of the dre am of the Babylo nian em pe ror spe aks abo ut an ido la tro us sta tue ma de of diff e rent ma te ri als (gold, sil ver, ho ney, iron, and iron mi xed with clay) crus hed by a sto ne rol led away from the mo un tain wit ho ut hands; that sto ne will grow to be co me a gre a ter mo un tain and fill the who le earth. Early Chri stian and me di e val Ea stern Chri stian the o lo gi ans in ter pre ted the Old Te sta ment nar ra ti ve in a Chri sto lo gi cal con text – the sto ne that rol led away from the mo un tain re pre sents Christ and his sin less con cep tion in the womb of the Mot her of God; the in car na tion of Christ and la ter New Te sta ment events from the Chri stian sal va tion hi story led to the esta blis hment of the eter nal king dom of God (as op po sed to the tran si ent king doms em bo died in de stroyed ido latro us sculp tu re). It fol lows that the story of Ne buc had nez zar’s dre am was an Old Te sta ment type of ima ge of the In car na tion and the story of the fi nal esta blis hment of the Lord’s re ign, the ma ti cally com ple tely con si stent with the pic tu re of the Lord’s eter nal abo de on Mo unt Zion from Psalm 67 (68). Ana lo go us ico no grap hic va ri ants of Ne buc had nez zar’s dre am can al ready be fo und on the pa ges of a psal ter from the 9th cen tury – the Mo unt At hos ma nu script Pan to kra tor 61 (At hos, Panto kra tor 61, fol. 83v ) and the Hlu dov Psal ter (Mo scow, Sta te Hi sto ri cal Mu se um, 129d, fol. 64r ). Icono grap hi cally re la ted mi ni a tu res are al so fo und in the 11th-cen tury psal ters – the Lon don Psal ter (Lon don, Bri tish Li brary, Add. 19352, fol. 84r ), Bar be ri ni Psal ter (Va ti can, Va ti can Li brary, Barb. Gr. 372, fol. 110v ), and the Bri stol Psal ter (Lon don, Bri tish Li brary, Add. 40731, fol. 105v ), as well as in la ter ma nu scripts, such as Ha mil ton’s Psal ter (Ber lin, Ber lin Sta te Mu se ums, Kup fer stic hka bi nett, 78A. 9, fol. 132v ), Bal ti mo re Psal ter (Bal ti mo re, Wal ters Art Mu se um, W733, fol. 29r), and the Kyiv Psal ter (St. Pe ters burg, Rus sian Na ti o nal Li brary, 1252 F VI, fol. 88v ) from the 14th cen tury. The dog ma tic co re of the il lu stra tion of Ne buc had nez zar’s dre am in Ps 67 (68): 15–16 is hig hlig hted by the ima ge of the me dal lion of the Mot her of God with Christ Em ma nuel on the top of the mo untain. The em ble ma tic re pre sen ta tion of the Mot her of God as the abo de of the Lord in the Mu nich Psal ter from the 14th cen tury (Mu nich, Ba va rian Sta te Li brary, Cod. Slav. 4, fol. 85v ), is ba sed on the sa me ide as but in de pen dent of the Old Te sta ment nar ra ti ve and can al so be jo i ned to the cor pus of the il lu stra ti ons of Ps 67 (68). From the Chri sto lo gi cal in ter pre ta tion of the nar ra ti ve of Ne buc had nez zar’s dre am emer ged the Chri sto lo gi cal-Ma rian symbols of sto ne and mo un tain, which are ba sed on dog ma tic in ter preta ti ons of the eter nal abo de of the Lord and po e ti cally de ve lo ped in the li turgy and hymno graphy of the East. Com plex and in ter con nec ted the o lo gi cal ide as that per me a te Ps 67 (68): 15–16 and its ac com panyin g il lu stra ti ons (Vir gin Mary the Mo un tain, Christ the Sto ne, In car na tion as the initial event of the ma ster plan of sal va tion, escha to lo gi cal ima ge of God’s king dom) fo und a pla ce in va ri o us art pro grams of the Mid dle Ages (fre sco pro grams of Ma ri o lo gi cal and escha to lo gi cal symbo lism or the thro ne icons of the Mot her of God sur ro un ded by the prop hets). It fol lows that the Old Te sta ment ar chetype s of Vir gin Mary the Mo un tain and Christ the Sto ne we re em blems of the In car na tion and the sal va tion hi story plan. Ba sed on this so te ri o lo gi cal idea, ex pres sed in the ver ses of Ps 67 (68) and the ac com panyin g il lu stra ti ons, an ar chetypa l ima ge of sal va tion is cre a ted, em bo died in the fi nal abo de of the Lord in the hi sto ri cal (Ark of the Co ve nant in So lo mon’s tem ple) and escha to lo gi cal sen se (New Zion/Je ru sa lem in which the rig hte o us will re si de). Due to the equ a ting of the uni ver sal Chri stian king dom who se Lord dwells in the tem ple of Zion with the ima ge of the Mot her of God as the abo de of the Lo gos, the vi sual re pre sen ta ti ons of Ne buc had nez zar’s dre am we re en ric hed with Chri sto lo gi cal vi sual com men tary, su bli ma ted in the me dal lion of the Mot her of God and the child on the top of the mo un
dc.publisherМатица српска, Одељење за ликовне уметности, Нови Садsr
dc.relation"Човек и друштво у време кризе" финансиран од стране Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београдуsr
dc.sourceЗборник Матице српске за ликовне уметностиsr
dc.subjectПс 67 (68)sr
dc.subjectНавуходоносоров санsr
dc.subjectБогородица Гораsr
dc.subjectХристос Каменsr
dc.subjectPsalm 67 (68)sr
dc.subjectNebuchadnezzar’s dreamsr
dc.subjectVirgin Mary the Mountainsr
dc.subjectChrist the Stonesr
dc.titleНавуходоносоров сан у источнохришћанским илустрованим псалтирима као амблем Божијег пребивалишта на Сионуsr
dc.titleNebuchadnezzar’s dream in Eastern Christian illustrated psalters as an emblem of God’s abode in Zionsr

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