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Venice in the continuities of the Late Byzantine and the Post-Byzantine Mediterranean

dc.contributorStanković, Vlada
dc.creatorSamardžić, Nikola
dc.creatorKocić, Marija
dc.description.abstractVizantija je postepeno nestajala, a Venecija preuzimala njena strateška pomorska uporišta i vitalne ekonomske funkcije. U istoriji njihovih složenih odnosa, svakodnevi život na Mediteranu nastavio je da se odvija vođen unutrašnjim potrebama za opstankom i razvojem. Ta pojava iziskuje dublja ispitivanja. Vizantija je bila pretežno teritorijalna imperija. Fizički obrisi Mletačke republike bili su mora, obale, ostrva i pomorski putevi koji su povezivali azijski Istok i evropska tržišta. Venecija je bila sistem funkcija: navigacija, poslovanje, logistika. Konačni pad Vizantije 1453. nije podrazumevao diskontinuitete u navigaciji, poslovanju, svakodnevnom životu, institucijama. Do kraja XV veka Venecija je ostala na vrhuncu trgovačkih aktivnosti. Primer Dubrovačke republike bio je sličan, njen sistem funkcija prodirao je duboko u balkansko zaleđe, i bio više kontinentalnog karaktera. Vizantijski uticaji trajali su u Veneciji gotovo milenijum. Grad Venecija bio je politička, ekonomska, institucionalna prestonica, čuvena po raskošnom, galantnom životu. Venecija je unosila italijanske elemente u kulture grčkih svetova na ostrvima, u lukama, na Peloponezu. Imperijalna Venecija bio je sistem luka, malih kopnenih poseda i ostrva, gde se odvijao jedan poseban svakodnevni život, daleko od metropole. Geografija Venecije bila je simbolična, koliko i stvarna. Pojava Turaka na Sredozemlju okrenula je Veneciju prema jednoj koherentnijoj evropskoj politici. Venecija je ipak uspela da premosti dve epohe istočnog Sredozemlja, poznu vizantijsku i dolazeću osmansku. Mletačka politika, institucije, i pogledi na svet bili su zasnovani i na „brodelovskim“ kontinuitetima mediteranske svakodnevice i stvarnosti. Vizantijski Mediteran bio je i mletački, i trajao i u potonjim vremenima. U XVII i XVIII veku, Mediteran je i dalje bio “unutrašnje” evropsko more, životni prostor izuzetan dok je čuvao različitosti.sr
dc.description.abstractByzantium gradually disappeared, and Venice was taking over its naval strategic points and vital economic functions. In the history of their complex relations, the everyday Mediterranean life continued to last guided by its immanent needs of survival and prosperity. That phenomenon requires deeper examinations and research. Byzantium was a predominantly territorial empire. Venetian Republic was shaped by the seas, coasts, islands and maritime routes connecting the Middle East with European markets. Venice was a system of functions: navigation, businesses, logistics. The final fall of Byzantium in 1453 did not forcefully impose discontinuity in navigation, business, everyday life, institutions. By the end of the 15th century, Venice was at the peak of its commercial activities. The example of the Republic of Dubrovnik was similar, whose system of functions penetrated deep into the Balkan hinterland, and was more of a continental character. Byzantine influences lasted in Venice for almost a millennium. The city of Venice was a political, economic, institutional center, famous of luxury and gallant life. Venice introduced Italian elements into the cultures of the Greek worlds on the islands, in the ports, or the Peloponnese. Imperial Venice was a system of ports, small territorial holdings and islands, where a different everyday life took place, away from the metropolis. The geography of Venice was as symbolic as it was real. The appearance of the Turks in the Mediterranean directed Venice to a more coherent European policy. Venice nevertheless managed to bridge two eras of the Eastern Mediterranean, the late Byzantine and the upcoming Ottoman. The Venetian politics, institutions and worldviews were also based on the “Braudelian” continuities of the Mediterranean everyday lives and realities. The Byzantine Mediterranean was also Venetian, and lasted even in later times. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Mediterranean was still European “inner” sea, a living space unique in preserving diversity.sr
dc.publisherNaučno društvo za istoriju zdravstvene kulturesr
dc.sourceКасновизантијски и поствизантијски Медитеран: животни услови и свакодневицаsr
dc.subjectOsmansko carstvosr
dc.subjectsistem funkcijasr
dc.subjectsvakodnevni životsr
dc.subjectByzantine empiresr
dc.subjectOttoman empiresr
dc.subjectsystem of functionssr
dc.subjecteveryday lifesr
dc.titleVenecija u kontinuitetima kasnovizantijskog i postvizantijskog Mediteranasr
dc.titleVenice in the continuities of the Late Byzantine and the Post-Byzantine Mediterraneansr



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