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Toward a comprehensive concept of trust

dc.creatorŠoć, Andrijaen
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu ću razmotriti fenomen poverenja iz dva ugla. Prvi deo rada će se ticati empirijskih pristupa u istraživanju poverenja. Ukratko ću razmotriti pet aktuelnih debata o prednostima i manama različitih empirijskih pristupa, da bih zatim ukazao na to da svaka od njih zahteva preciznije određenje poverenja. U drugom delu rada, poći ću od trenutno dominantne debate između onih koji poverenje izjednačavaju sa ponašanjem i onih koji ga izjednačavaju sa očekivanjem. Govoriću o problemima oba ova pristupa, kao i o tezi da je poverenje crta ličnosti. Iako svaka od ponuđenih opcija ima svoje dobre strane, poverenje je, pokušaću da pokažem, suviše kompleksan fenomen da bi se odredilo na tako jednostavan način. Rad završavam obuhvatnom definicijom poverenja koja uključuje i neke od pomenutih elemenata, ali i druge značajne aspekte tog fenomena, i za koju se nadam da može da posluži kao polazna tačka u formulisanju budućih empirijskih istraživanja.en
dc.description.abstractIn this paper I will approach the phenomenon of trust from two angles. The first part of the paper will deal with empirical research of trust. I will outline five ongoing debates regarding the pros and cons of different types of such research, and subsequently point out that each side in these debates requires a more precise definition of trust. In the second part of the paper, I will start with the currently prevalent debate between those who equate trust with behaviour and those who define it as an expectation. I will talk about the problems of both these approaches, and also about the thesis that trust is a character trait. Although each of these options has its own merits, I will try to show that trust is a phenomenon that is too complex for any simple or straightforward definition. I conclude the paper by providing a comprehensive definition of trust, which includes some of the mentioned elements, but also several other significant aspects of the phenomenon, and which I hope can serve as a starting point in formulating future empirical research.
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179067/RS//
dc.sourceKritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društvaen
dc.subjectempirijska istraživanja
dc.subjectpojmovna analiza
dc.subjectempirical research
dc.subjectconceptual analysis
dc.titleKa Obuhvatnom Pojmu Poverenjaen
dc.titleToward a comprehensive concept of trust



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