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The households of Serbia at the dawn of third millennium: Socio-demographical analysis

dc.creatorBobić, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractUporedo sa burnim društvenim kretanjima krajem XX veka, u Srbiji su se odvijale i velike demografske promene: pad bračnosti i fertiliteta odlaganje formiranja bračno-porodičnih unija u kasnije godine života, porast vanbračnih rađanja, kao i maloletničkih trudnoća i živorođenja, širenje jednoroditeljskih porodičnih domaćinstava, posebno majki sa decom, uz blago povećanje razvoda. Demografski razvitak Srbije obeležili su, uz to, i povećana mobilnost stanovništva, migracije visokoobrazovanih stručnjaka ka Zapadu, i, posebno, veliki talasi imigracije izbeglica i raseljenih kao posledice ratnih sukoba u okruženju Srbije i na Kosovu i Metohiji. Navedene demografske promene dovele su do promena i u sastavu domaćinstava, kao osnovnih asocijacija stanovništva u okviru kojih se odvija njegova biološka i socio-ekonomska reprodukcija. Podaci poslednjeg popisa stanovništva Srbije, iz 2002, pokazuju da se po osobinama domaćinstava i porodica, Srbija približila državama Centralne i Istočne Evrope, koje su u poodmaklim fazama postsocijalističke transformacije i evropskih integracija. Svima njima je zajedničko opadanje univerzalnosti i popularnosti braka, odlaganje rađanja u kasnije godine, dalji pad nataliteta i nastavak odranije prisutnih tendencija starenja stanovništva. Ti procesi su uticali na promenu nekada preovlađujućih oblika porodičnih domaćinstava, naime opadanje broja porodica nuklearnog tipa, a porast samačkih, staračkih, kao i jednoroditeljskih porodica. U Srbiji je, pored toga, u poslednjem međupopisnom periodu, došlo do "topljenja" razlika u demografskom razvoju njenih užih teritorijalnih celina, Vojvodine i Centralne Srbije.sr
dc.description.abstractSide by side with tumultuous social processes in the end of XXth century great demographical changes have been taking place in Serbia, such as: the decline of nuptiality and fertility, postponement of family formation into older ages of life course of individuals, the rise of: extramarital births as well as adolescent pregnancies and live births, the spread of one-parent households, particularly of lone mothers, and divorces. Besides that, the main feature of the demographic development of Serbia has been increased mobility of population, namely migrations of highly educated professionals to the West ("brain drain") and forced migration of refugees and internally displaced persons to Serbia, as a consequence of armed conflicts in its surroundings and at Kosovo and Metohija. All the above-mentioned demographical changes caused the precomposition of households, as profound associations of population, where its biological and socio-economical reproductions take place. The information of last census of population of Serbia in 2002 indicate that according to the features of family and households, Serbia has approached the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, that are forerunning in the process of post-socialistic transformation and European integrations. Common characteristics of all those countries are: decrease of universality and popularity of marriage delay of childbearing, continuation of earlier demographic tendencies: of low natality, depopulation and aging of population. All those processes have contributed to the transformation of prevailing forms of households, i.e. decline of nuclear family units and the rise of single person households households of aged persons, as well as single-parent ones. As to the Serbia the demographic differences between its separate parts: Vojvodina and central Serbia, have been fading for the first time in its history, owing to previous socio-demographic developments starting from the beginning of XXth century, as well as to the above actual ones, in the period between last two censuses.en
dc.publisherSociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
dc.subjectodlaganje formiranja porodicesr
dc.subjectdelay of family formationen
dc.titleDomaćinstva Srbije na početku trećeg milenijuma - socio-demografska analizasr
dc.titleThe households of Serbia at the dawn of third millennium: Socio-demographical analysisen
dc.citation.other46(4): 349-372



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