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Attitudes of psychology freshmen to mathematics

dc.creatorTenjović, Lazar
dc.creatorZorić, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractNa grupama novoupisanih studenata psihologije, građevine i etnologije ispitivane su, Upitnikom stava prema matematici L. Aikena, dve komponente stava prema matematici: lično uživanje u bavljenju matematikom, tj. u rešavanju matematičkih zadataka i procena važnosti i vrednosti matematike kao discipline. Aritmetičke sredine studenata psihologije na dvema komponentama stava prema matematici bile su gotovo podjednako udaljene od aritmetičkih sredina studenata građevine, sa jedne, i studenata etnologije, sa druge strane. Međutim, s obzirom na izrazitu asimetričnost raspodela rezultata na pojedinim komponentama stava prema matematici, radi realnijeg pozicioniranja studenata psihologije u odnosu na ostale dve grupe po njihovom odnosu prema matematici izvršeno je grupisanje svih ispitanika prema njihovim odgovorima na pojedinačne stavke Upitnika. Rezultati analize grupisanja navode na zaključak da je po svom odnosu prema matematici većina novoupisanih studenata psihologije bliža studentima onih fakulteta u kojima je matematika osnovno "oruđe" nego novoupisanim studentima u oblastima koje tradicionalno ne koriste matematička "oruđa" u svom radu. Isto tako, kod novoupisanih studenata psihologije preovlađuje pozitivan odnos prema matematici.sr
dc.description.abstractTwo components of the attitude towards mathematics were examined on the groups of psychology and ethnology freshmen using the Attitude to Mathematics Questionnaire by L. Aiken: Enjoyments in mathematics and Value of Mathematics. The means of the psychology students on the two components of the attitude towards mathematics were almost in the middle between those of the civil engineering students on the one side, and those of the ethnology students on the other side. However, considering the markedly asymmetric result distributions on specific components of the attitude towards mathematics, with a view of more real positioning of the psychology students compared with the remaining two groups according to their relation to mathematics, all the subjects were clustered pursuant to their answers to the respective Questionnaire items. The cluster analysis results lead to the conclusion that in their attitude towards mathematics most of the psychology freshmen are closer to the students of those faculties who use mathematics as basic ''tools'' than to the students freshly enrolled in other fields traditionally not employing mathematical ''tools'' in their work. Likewise, a positive attitude towards mathematics prevails in the psychology freshmen.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectstav prema matematicisr
dc.subjectmatematičko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjecteducation for mathematicsen
dc.subjectattitude towards mathematicsen
dc.titleStav novoupisanih studenata psihologije prema matematicisr
dc.titleAttitudes of psychology freshmen to mathematicsen
dc.citation.other37(2): 209-218



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