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The Activity of the Zographic Workshops from Veles in the Diocese of Niš in the First Half of the XIX Century

dc.creatorМарковић, Јулијана
dc.description.abstractРад представља преглед делатности градитељских и зографских радионица из Велеса на простору под јурисдикцијом нишких митрополита током XIX века. Досадашњим истраживања показала су континуирану присутност током више од две деценије на простору читаве епархије, чиме се велешке радионице могу сматрати значајним носиоцима црквене уметности и визуелне културе на датом простору. То је омогућено и другим, пре свега трговинским видовима сарадње Велеса са градским центрима на простору Нишке епархије.sr
dc.description.abstractZographic workshops from Veles were active on the territory of the Diocese of Niš in the period between the second and sixth decade of the 19th century. It is presumed that their activity was conditioned by the developed trade connections between Veles and urban centers within the Diocese of Niš. The protomaster Andrej Damjanov with his building workshop (tajfa) was not the first master from Veles active in the Diocese of Niš, but his work was significant. By building representative basilicas in the villages Pečenjevce and Turekovac and the cathedral church in Niš, his work became crucial for the creation of the visual identity of the Christian community. It is assumed that the crew was also engaged during the building of civil edifices. A large number of iconographic work was done by the painter Theodosij from Veles and his workshop. Icons ascribe to this zograph include feast icons made during the reconstructions of the iconostasis of the churches of the Holy Archangel in Niš and the Nativity of the Theotokos in Leskovac. Theodosij from Veles painted only two royal icons for the church of the Holy Apostles in Turekovac, as well as six royal icons for the Ascension church in the village Veliki Krčimir. The same painter executed the wall painting assemble in the monastery of Saint Roman and reconstructed the iconostasis by adding icons of the Council of the Apostles and the Crucifix. Teodosij from Veles made iconostasis for the monestary Lipovac as well. The masters from the workshop formed by Theodosij from Veles continued the activity in the Diocese of Niš until the sixth decade of the 19th century. One of the masters executed icons for the Dormition church in the village Konopnica around 1840, as well as those for the church Saint Elijah in Pečenjevce in 1852. The icon of the Virgin with the scenes of Acathist hymns from the church in Leskovac made in 1851, testifies to the extended activity of the other workshop. Konstantin Krstev, painter, illustrator, and photographer made the iconostasis and two additional icons for the church of Saint Procopius in Prokuplje in 1847. The authorship of Krstev is confirmed by a new reading of signatures.sr
dc.publisherЦентар за културно и духовно наследство & Каламус,Скопјеsr
dc.subjectНишка епархијаsr
dc.subjectXIX векsr
dc.subjectАндрија Дамјановsr
dc.subjectТеодосије из Велесаsr
dc.subjectКостадин Крстевsr
dc.titleДелатност велешких зографских радионица на простору Нишке епархијуе у првој половини XIX векаsr
dc.titleThe Activity of the Zographic Workshops from Veles in the Diocese of Niš in the First Half of the XIX Centurysr



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