Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

A view on the professional practice of pedagogues

dc.contributorZuković, Slađana
dc.creatorSpasenović, Vera
dc.creatorKraguljac, Nevenka
dc.description.abstractRad je posvećen sagledavanju profesionalnog delovanja pedagoga iz perspektive samih pedagoga. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kako pedagozi opažaju: (a) svoju profesionalnu ulogu u postojećim i u poželjnim okolnostima i ima li u tom pogledu razlike između predškolskih i školskih pedagoga, (b) važnost angažovanja pedagoga na radnom mestu stručnog saradnika i (c) doprinos aktivnosti koje pedagog obavlja u okviru različitih područja rada unapređivanju i razvoju prakse vaspitno-obrazovnog rada. Uzorak istraživanja je činilo 158 pedagoga zaposlenih u vrtiću, osnovnoj i srednjoj školi širom teritorije Srbije. Podaci su prikupljeni instrumentom koji je predstavljao kombinaciju upitnika i deskriptivne skale. Nalazi pokazuju da je iz ugla učesnika istraživanja uloga saradnika najdominantnija uloga pedagoga, da se angažovanje pedagoga na radnom mestu stručnog saradnika smatra značajnim, kao i da aktivnosti iz oblasti saradnje sa učenicima, nastavnicima, direktorom i drugim stručnim saradnicima imaju najveći doprinos unapređivanju i razvoju prakse vaspitno-obrazovnog
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents findings of a research study aimed at examining how pedagogues perceive their professional practice. Specifically, the study investigated: (a) how pedagogues view their professional role in current and desirable circumstances, and whether there are differences in this regard between preschool and school pedagogues; (b) to what extent the engagement of pedagogues as school counselors is significant, and (c) how much the activities performed by pedagogues within various work areas contribute to the improvement and development of educational practice. The research sample consisted of 158 pedagogues employed in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools across Serbia. The instrument used for data gathering was a combination of a questionnaire and a descriptive scale. The findings show that the role of a collaborator most faithfully describes the professional practice of pedagogues in the current context, and that it is the most desirable role from the perspective of pedagogues. The difference in perception of the professional role between preschool and school pedagogues is reflected only in the fact that pedagogues working in kindergartens perceive the role of a researcher as more desirable compared to their colleagues in schools. Research participants believe that it is extremely important for every educational institution to have a pedagogue as a school counselor, and they have favorable impression regarding how important is for preschool/school teachers to have a pedagogue in the institution. The results also show that, according to the pedagogues' opinion, the activities they perform within various areas of work greatly contribute to the improvement of the quality of educational practice, especially those related to collaboration with students, teachers, as well as the director and other expert associates. The paper concludes that, when reviewing the professional practice of pedagogues, and if necessary, redefining their role, it is important to consider how pedagogues perceive their own professional role and how they experience their own professional
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultetsr
dc.sourcePedagogija – juče, danas, sutrasr
dc.subjectProfesionalno delovanje pedagogasr
dc.subjectuloga pedagogasr
dc.subjectpodručja rada pedagogasr
dc.subjectprofessional practice of pedagoguessr
dc.subjectrole of pedagoguessr
dc.subjectpedagogue's areas of worksr
dc.titlePogled na profesionalno delovanje pedagogasr
dc.titleA view on the professional practice of pedagoguessr



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