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Specifičnosti teorijskih konceptualizacija kooperativnog učenja

dc.contributorZuković, Slađana
dc.creatorPljakić, Goran D.
dc.creatorTadić, Aleksandar S.
dc.description.abstractThe progressive pedagogical and didactic concepts developed since the beginning of the 20th century were the basis on which the current conceptualizations of cooperative learning have been developed. This paper problematizes the recognition, i.e. lack of recognition, of the specifics of theoretical frameworks underlying the concept of cooperative learning relevant for the understanding and explanation of this phenomenon. The research aims to analyse the specificity of the theoretical frameworks on which the concept of cooperative learning is based. The research method chosen was that of theoretical analysis. Different viewpoints have been established among the leading theoreticians in this field regarding the knowledge about cooperative learning, which should be integrated into a comprehensive conceptual framework. The specifics of these theoretical conceptualizations of cooperativeness point to different contextual frameworks in which cooperative learning is viewed. In the concluding remarks, the social interdependence theory has been identified as the one that yielded the largest number of practical solutions in the process of implementing cooperative learning and relevant empirical research, which makes it the most fruitful theoretical conceptualization in this field.sr
dc.description.abstractProgresivne pedagoško-didaktičke koncepcije razvijane od početka 20. veka bile su osnova na kojoj su se razvile aktuelne konceptualizacije kooperativnog učenja. U radu se problematizuje priznavanje, odnosno nepriznavanje specifičnosti teorijskih okvira u osnovi koncepta kooperativnog učenja relevantnih za razumevanje i objašnjenje ovog fenomena. Cilj istraživanja je analiza specifičnosti teorijskih okvira na kojima se zasniva koncept kooperativnog učenja. Odabrana metoda istraživanja bila je teorijska analiza. Među vodećim teoretičarima u ovoj oblasti utvrđena su različita gledišta u pogledu znanja o kooperativnom učenju, koje treba integrisati u sveobuhvatan konceptualni okvir. Specifičnosti ovih teorijskih konceptualizacija kooperativnosti ukazuju na različite kontekstualne okvire u kojima se kooperativno učenje posmatra. U zaključnim napomenama, teorija socijalne međuzavisnosti je identifikovana kao ona koja je dala najveći broj praktičnih rešenja u procesu implementacije kooperativnog učenja i relevantnih empirijskih istraživanja, što je čini najplodonosnijom teorijskom konceptualizacijom u ovoj oblasti.sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad.sr
dc.sourcePedagogy - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Book of proceedings.sr
dc.subjectteaching methodssr
dc.subjectcooperative learningsr
dc.subjectsocial interdependence theorysr
dc.subjectnastavne metodesr
dc.subjectkooperativno učenjesr
dc.subjectteorija socijalne međuzavisnostisr
dc.titleSpecificity of theoretical conceptualisations of cooperative learningsr
dc.titleSpecifičnosti teorijskih konceptualizacija kooperativnog učenjasr
dc.rights.holderNovi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad.sr



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