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Recruitment of Danubian Legions: X Gemina

dc.creatorFerjančić, Snežana
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad je zamišljen kao treći u nizu članaka posvećenih regrutaciji podunavskih legija u doba principata. Proces njihovog popunjavanja novim vojnicima tesno je povezan sa romanizacijom u provincijama u kojima su bile stacionirane. Malobrojni epigrafski spomenici omogućavaju stvaranje opšte slike o popunjavanju legije X Gemina u II i III veku, za vreme njenog boravka u Panoniji. Izgleda da su glavna područja regrutacije bile Gornja Panonija i susedne provincije (Norik, Dalmacija).sr
dc.description.abstractProvinces on the middle and lower Danube were garrisoned by various legions from the time of their establishment. The continuous presence of soldiers on the border and in the interior accelerated considerably the process of romanisation of the indigenous population. The legion X Gemina garrisoned Pannonia on two occasions. Its first sojourn in the province, in Carnuntum, is dated between 62/63 and 68 AD, and the second one started in 101/102 AD and lasted throughout the second and third century AD. Epigraphic evidence testifying to the recruitment of X Gemina during its second stay in Pannonia, while it garrisoned first Aquincum and then Vindobona, is rather scarce. It allows us only to glimpse the general patterns of its enlistment. It seems that Pannonia and the neighbouring provinces (Noricum and Dalmatia) should be considered as main areas of conscription. Pannonian recruits were enlisted both in the border zone (Vindobona and Carnuntum), as well as in the interior of the province. The fact that certain soldiers came from the areas of Neviodunum and Aquae Balissae implies that the Pannonian legions were enlisted not only in colonies, but in the territories of municipia as well. Inscriptions from Aquincum and Vindobona record a number of Italians and soldiers from the western (Gallia Narbonensis, Raetia or Britannia) and eastern provinces of the Roman Empire. Three legionaries were born in northern Italy, in Aquae Statiellae, Aquileia and Vercellae respectively. The fourth Italian was conscripted on the territory of the Marsi. The presence of Italians in X Gemina during the second and third centuries AD suggests that the number of Italian recruits in the Roman legions was higher than presumed by modern scholars. The two soldiers born in the eastern cities – Sebaste in Phrygia and an Antiochia (possibly in Syria or Pisydia) – were conscripted during the extraordinary levies in the eastern provinces. The legion X Gemina participated in the Parthian campaigns of Lucius Verus and Septimius Severus. The losses it sustained in these wars were covered by local recruitment. The presence of soldiers from western provinces in X Gemina is not easily explained. The two recruits originating from Forum Iulii served in Aquincum, at the very beginning of the second century AD. They were probably enlisted while X Gemina was stationed in Germania Inferior. The legion was regularly conscripted in Gallia Narbonensis throughout the first century
dc.publisherNovi Sad: Matica srpskasr
dc.sourceZbornik Matice srpske za klasične studijesr
dc.subjectLegija X Geminasr
dc.titleRegrutacija podunavskih legija: X Geminasr
dc.titleRecruitment of Danubian Legions: X Geminasr
dc.rights.holderMatica srpska, Novi Sadsr

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