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Shaping new fatherhood through practices of fathers in Serbia

dc.contributor.advisorTomanović, Smiljka
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Mina
dc.contributor.otherBobić, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherPopadić, Dragan
dc.creatorStanojević, Dragan
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja predstavljaju prakse očinstva, identitet očeva i normativ očinstva u kontekstu porodične i društvene dinamike u Srbiji danas, sa posebnim fokusom na pomaljanje novih oblika, koji se u nauci identifikuju kao novo očinstvo. Opšti cilj je sociološka analiza fenomena javljanja novog očinstva u savremenom društvenom i kulturnom kontekstu Srbije iz koga su izdvojena dva posebna istraživačka cilja: 1.analitički – da se pomoću kvantitativnih podataka dođe do odgovora na pitanje koji kulturni, društveni i unutarporodični činioci čine determinante stepena uključenosti oca u život deteta; 2. heremeneutički – da se putem kvalitativnih podataka rekonstruiše pojava tzv. „novog očinstva“, odnosno istraže identiteti i prakse očeva u društvenom i kulturnom kontekstu Srbije. U radu su korišćeni teorijski okviri pomoću kojih: 1) je fenomen kontekstualizovan, 2) su identifikovani obrasci roditeljskih praksi na nivou društva Srbije i 3) je omogućena interpretacija novog očinstva. U prvom slučaju se, pomoću pojmova rizik, individualizacija, delanje i detradicionalizacija, fenomen situira u određeni društvenoistorijski period. Na sledećem nivou, za proveru stepena (ne)uključenosti očeva u roditeljske obaveze su koristišćena tri teorijska okvira: 1) teorija resursa, 2) teorija patrijarhata i 3) teorije porodične dinamike. Na trećem nivou su, na osnovu podataka dobijenih iz dubinskih intervjua sa očevima koji su nosioci novih roditeljskih praksi, korišćeni pojmovi identiteta, roda i maskuliniteta. Na osnovu reprezentativnih podataka očeva u Srbiji može se tvrditi da je među opštom populacijom veoma malo očeva koji pripadaju novom obrascu očinstva. Inače su prakse očeva u velikoj meri tradicionalne. Rezultati pokazuju da su za objašnjenje povećanog učešća očeva u obaveze oko dece, kao i egalitarnije raspodele roditeljskih obaveza značajni i resursi supruge, i vrednosne orijentacije oca, ali i porodična i partnerska 5 dinamika. Kada je reč o onome što otkrivaju narativi očeva koji su na visokom nivou uključeni u obaveze oko svoje dece prepoznajemo da se novo očinstvo u domaćem kontekstu može ostvariti u najmanje dva „ključa“. Individualističkom u kome je roditeljstvo samo još jedan identitet i jedna posebna sfera ostvarenja muškarca, ili žrtvujućem u kome i otac poprima tradicionalističke crte odricanja za dobrobiti deteta i porodice.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subjects of the research are practices of fatherhood, identity of fathers and norm of fatherhood in the context of family and social dynamics in Serbia today, with a special focus on the emergence of new forms, scientifically identified as new fatherhood. The overall objective is the sociological analysis of the phenomenon of occurrence of new fatherhood in contemporary social and cultural context of Serbia. Two specific research objectives are as follows: 1) analytical - by using quantitative data, to find the answer to the question which cultural, social and intra-family factors make determinants of the level of father’s involvement in the child's life; 2) hermeneutical – by using qualitative data, to reconstruct the so-called phenomenon of "new fatherhood", i.e. to explore identities and practices of fathers in the social and cultural context of Serbia The paper used theoretical frameworks by which: 1) the phenomenon was contextualized, 2) patterns of parenting practice were identified at the level of Serbian society and 3) interpretation of the new fatherhood was enabled. In the first case, by using the concepts of risk, individualization, action and de-traditionalization, the phenomenon is situated in a specific socio-historical period. At the next level, in order to examine the level of (non-)involvement of fathers in parenting responsibilities, three theoretical frameworks are used: 1) theory of resources, 2) theory of patriarchy and 3) theory of family dynamics. At the third level, on the basis of data obtained from in-depth interviews with fathers identified as the bearers of new parenting practices, concepts of identity, gender and masculinity are used. The results indicate that resources of wife, father’s value orientation but also family and partner dynamics are all significant for the explanation for the increased involvement of fathers in responsibilities for children as well as for egalitarian distribution of parental 7 responsibilities. When it comes to narratives of fathers with high-level of involvement in responsibilities for children, we recognize that the new fatherhood can be achieved in at least two "keys" in the domestic context. Individualistic, in which parenting is just another identity and a special sphere of self-realization of man, or sacrificing, in which father takes traditionalist features of sacrifice for the welfare of child and family.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179035/RS//
dc.subjectporodična dinamikasr
dc.subjectnovo očinstvosr
dc.subjectnew fatherhooden
dc.subjectintimacy očinstvoen
dc.subjectfamily dynamicsen
dc.titleOblikovanje novog očinstva kroz prakse očeva u Srbijisr
dc.titleShaping new fatherhood through practices of fathers in Serbiaen



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