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Grave 196 at the necropolis in Mokrin: A woman buried with a pig's head

dc.creatorStefanović, Sofija
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Vesna
dc.description.abstractU grobu 196 na nekropoli moriške kulture (rano bronzano doba) u Mokrinu sahranjena je žena, starosti u trenutku smrti oko 25-30 godina, na čijim je nogama bila položena glava svinje. Ovo je jedinstven nalaz na moriškim nekropolama, a ono što ga čini izuzetnim jeste da i lobanja pokojnice i lobanja svinje na sebi nose tragove povreda. Na lobanji žene nalaze se tragovi tri različite povrede (trag udarca na čeonoj kosti iznad leve očne duplje; polukružni tragovi rezanja lobanje na desnoj strani čeone kosti, koji liče na pokušaj otvaranja lobanje; četiri kružna reza na temenim kostima odmah iznad tačke lambda, načinjena tankom, oštrom alatkom). Lobanja svinje oštećena je u čeonom delu, verovatno udarcem kojim je životinja
dc.description.abstractThe women (oriented south-north, head turned right, face towards the southeast) buried in grave 196 (depth 1.52 m) at the Mokrin necropolis (Early Bronze Age, Maros culture), was interred with a pig's head on her femora as the only item of grave goods (pl. II/3). The women was approximately 25-30 years old. Her body weight was calculated to 71.64 kg, based on the maximal diameter of the femur head, and her body mass index is approximated at 30.4 which makes her one of the three most corpulent women in Mokrin. She belonged to a group of 13 individuals from the Mokrin neropolis with strongly marked muscle attachments. There are three injuries on the women's skull (pl. I/1) among which the one that caused her death was probably the injury located on the frontal above the left orbit (pl. I/2). On the right frontal are traces of semicircular cutting, similar to cases of trepanation (pl. I/3). But the fact that the damage is huge probably disqualifies trepanation as a healing treatment. The third injury, in the shape of four approximately circular superficial cuts made with a slender and sharp tool, is found on the parietals, above the lambda point (pl. I/4). The conclusion is that all three injuries were made in a short period of time, probably immediately before or after the fatal injury above the left orbit, or possibly the next day, since there are no traces of bone remodeling or infection. We cannot say whether the injuries are the consequences of interpersonal violence, conflict with enemies of the village in which the women lived, or if the injury and murder was a social punishment. Nevertheless it is evident that the women, after suffering a violent death, was given proper burial rites at the Mokrin necropolis, since she was buried in the correct position and orientation in accordance with Maros culture burial practice. A pig's head (pl. II/1) was placed on woman's femora. Based on the upper and lower canines of the pig, it seems that it belonged to a sow, while the dimensions of the skull, lower jaw and teeth point to a domestic animal of relatively large size (tables 1-3). Morphometric features indicate an early breed of domestic swine, which was prevalent in the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Since it was a large animal and moreover, a sow in full strength, capable of giving birth to several more litters, her value might have been considerable. The skull is damaged in its frontal part, most probably by the blow that killed the animal (pl. II/2). The blow was oriented towards the left frontal, above the orbit. A valuable animal was sacrificed for the woman's burial and a rare, perhaps symbolically important, grave offering - a sow's head - was deposited in the grave.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectsimbolično povređivanjesr
dc.subjectmoriška kulturasr
dc.subjectlobanja ženesr
dc.subjectlobanja svinjesr
dc.titleGrob 196 na nekropoli u Mokrinu - pokojnica sa priloženom glavom svinjesr
dc.titleGrave 196 at the necropolis in Mokrin: A woman buried with a pig's headen
dc.citation.other(23): 417-428



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