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Construction analysis of a quern from structure 01/06 at Vinča

dc.creatorTasić, Nenad
dc.creatorĐuričić, Stevan
dc.creatorLazarević, Branislava
dc.description.abstractTokom 2006. na lokalitetu Belo Brdo u Vinči istraživan je objekat, označen 01/06, u južnom delu iskopa. U jugoistočnom delu objekta pronađen je kompozitni žrvanj, jedinstven po tome što je spoj kamena i konstrukcije u vidu recipijenta od pečene gline. Nalaz pruža dobar primer inventivnosti u izradi utilitarnih predmeta pripadnika zajednice nastanjene u Vinči krajem mlađeg neolita. Saradnjom arheologa i konzervatora i pravovremenom primenom preventivne zaštite, žrvanj je uspešno izmešten sa terena, a potom konzervisan i restaurisan. Analiza konstrukcije žrvnja i njegovog položaja u okviru objekta 01/06 doprinela je definisanju namene, kako ovog izuzetnog nalaza, tako i samog objekta 01/06, namenjenog pripremanju hrane.sr
dc.description.abstractDuring the 2006 excavations at the site of Vinča-Belo Brdo, the remains of a Neolithic building in the south part of the excavation area, marked as Structure 01/06 (pl. I/1), were explored. In the southeastern section of this building, a quern of a rather peculiar form was found (pl. I/2). This find is unique, as it is a composite structure consisting of a grindstone embedded in a basin made of organic tempered fired clay. The remains of the quern were exposed upon the removal of a wall that had fallen over it and damaged it greatly. Very close to the quern a fragment of fallen wall daub with the remains of an ear of wheat (Triticum diccocum) (pl. II/2) was found. Structure 01/06 was destroyed by a fire in which the entire house inventory burned. This also included the quern, which explains why its fragments were indistinguishable in color or material from the destroyed wall. The analysis of the construction of the quern and its place inside structure 01/06 contributed to defining the purpose of Structure 01/06 itself. During the conservation and restoration process, it was concluded that the quern consisted of four elements, constructed in the following order: a) a flat abrasive grinding stone (pl. II/1, a) (13.5 x 9 cm) near rectangular in shape with rounded edges and a semi-circular cross-section, which fractured under the influence of the high temperature during the fire; b) 'the base' for the grinding stone (pl. II/1, b) (20 x 11.5 x 9 cm) also near rectangular in shape with rounded edges, with a narrower side sloping outward creating a 'spout' along which, we assume, finished products used to slide; c) 'the rim' made of clay (pl. II/1, v) is molded to the outer edges of the base for the grinding stone. Its width is 2-3 cm, and its relative height extends about 5 cm above the upper part of the base and has an entirely formed rim. Together with the base, 'the rim' forms an oval shaped basin, opened on one side where the 'spout' for collecting products is situated; d) the massive extension of the rim is modeled in the shape of an 'uplifted collar' (pl. II/1, g), which gradually increases in height, starting from the 'spout', where the rim is only slightly higher than the upper part of the base, to the highest point of the quern (opposite the 'spout') where it reaches the maximum height of about 25 cm. After these elements were assembled each was coated with a fine layer of clay, apart from the stone. Regarding all the available data, it cannot be determined whether the quern was fired before use, or if its current condition was a consequence of the burning of structure 01/06. The quern also opens another set of questions. Was this artefact, with all of its elements constructed in a single event or was it upgraded in multiple stages through time? This dilemma results mainly from the fact that clay 'rim' (pl. II/1, v) is not deformed as would be expected if 'the collar' had been fixed to it while still moist. In the case of the Vinča quern, all the elements that are characteristic for a food preparation space come together in this fully functional, single artefact. Considering that there is no indication that the quern was attached to the house floor, it cannot be determined whether this find was an immobile feature or a portable artefact. Based on its analysis it is possible that the quern was portable because of the relative ease with which it could be manipulated after its reconstruction. In addition, it is very stable when laid on a flat surface. However, its placement near the oven in Structure 01/06 and the existence of a another similar find (another quern whose structure is only partially preserved, but that was built into a floor) can be used to argue for the immobile nature of the quern. In any case, both assumptions corroborate the interpretation that Structure 01/06 served as a space used for food preparation. There is a clear difference between this structure and others that have already been excavated in the Neolithic layers on this site. The existence of structures like this one suggests that specialization existed within the settlement, which provides new insights into the social organization of the Vinča inhabitants.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectpripremanje hranesr
dc.subjectmlađi neolitsr
dc.subjectBelo Brdosr
dc.titleAnaliza konstrukcije žrvnja iz objekta 01/06 u Vinčisr
dc.titleConstruction analysis of a quern from structure 01/06 at Vinčaen
dc.citation.other(23): 211-218



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