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Urban social sustainability facing the challenges of neoliberalism: analysis of the importance of urban neighbourhoods

dc.contributor.advisorPetrović, Mina
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Mina
dc.contributor.otherVujović, Sreten
dc.contributor.otherMojić, Dušan
dc.creatorMirkov, Anđelka
dc.description.abstractOva doktorska disertacija se bavi analizom socijalne održivosti grada na konceptualnom, fenomenološkom i strateškom planu. Pod pojmom socijalne održivosti grada podrazumevam društvene karakteristike i procese koji doprinose dugoročnom i skladnom funkcionisanju gradskog sistema. Odabrani fokus analize jesu urbana susedstva, odnosno rezidencijalna područja unutar kojih se razvijaju specifične društvene okolnosti, pošto se polazi od pretpostavke da se upravo na tom nivou mogu identifikovati kako pozitivne tako i negativne tendencije u vezi sa socijalnom održivošću grada. Imajući u vidu da se koncept socijalne održivosti grada razvija pod uticajem neoliberalnih vrednosti, dok istovremeno neoliberalna urbana politika značajno preoblikuje socijalni karakter urbanih susedstava, socijalna održivost grada se analizira u kontekstu neoliberalizma, koji u razvijenim kapitalističkim zemljama preovladava od kraja sedamdesetih godina HH veka. Iako paradigma održivog razvoja podrazumeva ideju o neophodnosti uspostavljanja ravnoteže između ekološke, ekonomske i socijalne dimenzije razvoja, proučavanje socijalnog aspekta održivosti je bilo zanemareno sve do samog kraja HH veka, da bi na početku trećeg milenijuma ovaj koncept postao popularan među urbanim teoretičarima. Ipak, na konceptualnom planu još uvek nisu prevaziđene osnovne dileme koje se tiču socijalne održivosti grada, odnosno ne postoji saglasnost u pogledu sadržaja pojma i njegove operacionalizacije, što znači da koncept nije teorijski i metodološki uobličen. Doprinos ove doktorske disertacije sastoji se u razvijanju pojmovne matrice za analizu socijalne održivosti grada, i to na nivou urbanih susedstava. U doktorskoj disertaciji se najpre sistematizuju dominantne teme u okviru diskursa socijalne održivosti grada, te se na osnovu njih izvode dimenzije i indikatori za analizu konkretnih gradova i susedstava. Pet osnovnih dimenzija socijalne održivosti grada na nivou urbanih susedstava su: 1) karakteristike rezidencijalnog područja, 2) heterogenost stanovništva, 3) neformalne društvene veze unutar i izvan susedstva, 4) društvena uključenost i 5) bezbednost...sr
dc.description.abstractThis doctoral dissertation deals with the analysis of urban social sustainability on the conceptual, phenomenological, and strategic levels. By „the urban social sustainability‟ I imply the social characteristics and processes that contribute to long-term and harmonious functioning of the city system. The analysis focuses specifically on urban neighbourhoods, i.e. residential areas where specific social circumstances develop, since the starting assumption is that precisely on this level it is possible to identify both positive and negative trends related to the urban social sustainability. Having in mind that the concept of urban social sustainability has evolved under the influence of neoliberal values, while at the same time the neoliberal urban policy has transformed greatly the social character of urban neighbourhoods, the urban social sustainability is analysed in the context of neoliberalism that has prevailed in developed capitalist countries since the late 1970s. Although the paradigm of sustainable development implies the idea of a necessity to create a balance of environmental, economic, and social dimensions of development, studying the social aspect of sustainability was neglected until the very end of the XX century and the concept has become popular among urban theorists at the beginning of the third millennium. Nevertheless, on the conceptual level some basic dilemmas regarding urban social sustainability have not been resolved, i.e. there is no consensus on the scope of this notion and its operationalization, meaning that the concept has not been shaped theoretically and methodologically. The contribution of this doctoral dissertation lies in development of a conceptual matrix for analysing the urban social sustainability, on the level of urban neighbourhoods. The doctoral dissertation first systematizes central topics within the discourse of urban social sustainability, which are then used as a basis to derive dimensions and indicators for analysis of specific cities and neighbourhoods. Five basic dimensions of urban social sustainability on the level of urban neighbourhoods are: 1) characteristics of a residential area, 2) heterogeneity of population, 3) informal social relations within and outside of a neighbourhood, 4) social inclusion, and 5) safety...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179035/RS//
dc.subjecturbano susedstvosr
dc.subjectsocijalna održivost gradasr
dc.subjectneoliberalna urbana politikasr
dc.subjecturban social sustainabilityen
dc.subjecturban neighbourhooden
dc.subjectneoliberal urban policyen
dc.titleSocijalna održivost grada pred izazovima neoliberalizma: analiza značaja urbanih susedstavasr
dc.titleUrban social sustainability facing the challenges of neoliberalism: analysis of the importance of urban neighbourhoodsen



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