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Personal and social attitudes towards political parties

dc.creatorPetrović, Nebojša
dc.creatorKuzmanović, Bora
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog istraživanja jeste utvrđivanje odnosa između stepena prihvatanja i preferencija po 18 relativno uopštenih ličnih i društvenih ciljeva s jedne strane i stavova prema relevantnim političkim strankama: DS, SRS, DSS, LDP SPS, G17, NS i SPO. Stav je ispitivan preko evaluacije rada i političkog delovanja u celini svake navedene stranke. Uzorak je činilo 243 učenika koji pripadaju najmlađoj generaciji birača. Osim kod stava prema SRS i donekle DS ispitani ciljevi objašnjavaju relativno mali stepen varijanse stava prema strankama. Izdvajaju se dve grupe korelata, jedna vezana za ulazak u Evropsku uniju, razvoj demokratskih odnosa u društvu, dobrim međunacionalnim odnosima - koja je pozitivno povezana sa stavovima prema DS, LDP, G17 plus; dok je druga grupa ciljeva poput važnosti tradicije, teritorijalnog integriteta i jačanje odbrambenih snaga u negativnoj vezi sa ocenom nabrojanih stranaka, a istovremeno u pozitivnoj sa ocenom SRS. Lični ciljevi su, kako se i očekivalo manje važni faktori stavova prema strankama od druš
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research was to establish connection between degree of acceptance and preferences of 18 relatively general personal and 18 social goals, on one side, and, attitudes toward relevant political parties DS, SRS, DSS, LDP, SPS, G17, NS and SPO. The attitudes were measured through evaluation of general political performance of each mentioned party. The sample consisted of 243 high school students who belong to the youngest generation of voters. Except in case of SRS, and partly of DS, examined goals explained relatively small percentage of variance of party attitudes. Two groups of correlates are dominant, the first one - connected with joining the European Union, development of democracy in the society, positive international relationships - which is connected with attitudes toward, DS LDP, G17 plus; while the other group of goals, which includes importance of tradition, territorial integrity and strengthening of military forces, is negatively connected with attitudes toward mentioned parties and, at the same time, positively connected with attitude toward SRS. Personal goals are, as it has been expected, less important determinants of attitudes than social goals.en
dc.publisherInstitut za političke studije, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpska politička misao
dc.subjectpolitičke strankesr
dc.subjectlični ciljevisr
dc.subjectdruštveni ciljevisr
dc.subjectsocial goalsen
dc.subjectpolitical partiesen
dc.subjectpersonal goalsen
dc.titleLični i društveni ciljevi i stavovi prema političkim strankamasr
dc.titlePersonal and social attitudes towards political partiesen
dc.citation.other(1-2): 165-189

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