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Serbia and Old Serbia:(1804-1839)

dc.contributor.advisorJagodić, Miloš
dc.contributor.otherLjušić, Radoš
dc.contributor.otherRajić, Suzana
dc.contributor.otherNedeljković, Slaviša
dc.contributor.otherMilanović, Jasmina
dc.creatorŠešum, Uroš
dc.description.abstractU okviru rada detaljno su analizirani odnosi Srbije i Stare Srbije od početka Srpske revolucije 1804. godine do kraja prve vladavine kneza Miloša Obrenovića i donošenja Hatišerifa od Gilhane u Osmanskom carstvu 1839. godine. Obrađeni period predstavlja zaokruženu celinu, sa neophodnim osvrtom na društveno- političke i etničke promene u Osmanskom carstvu uopšte i njegovom evropskom delu od 16. do kraja 18. veka, prethodni razvoj srpske nacionalno-oslobodilačke i državotvorne ideje, promene u terminisanju sopstvenog etničkog prostora kod Srba do kraja prve polovine 19. veka i izgradnju novovekovne srpske države između 1804. i 1839. godine. Detaljno je analiziran odnos ustaničke i Srbije kneza Miloša prema Srbima i predstavnicima turskih vlasti u Staroj Srbiji i odgovor Srba i muslimana u Staroj Srbiji na stvaranje i razvijanje srpske države. Pažnja je obraćena na unutrašnje i spoljnopolitičke zaplete koji su u prvoj polovini 19. veka karakterisali istoriju Osmanskog carstva i njihov uticaj na etničke i konfesionalne promene u Staroj Srbiji i polažaj tamošnjih Srba. Istraživanje je u osnovi oslonjeno na izvornu građu iz Arhiva Srbije, do sada neobjavljenu ili slabo korišćenu. Upotrebom neobjavljene građe srpske provijencije, objavljenih stranih i domaćih izvora i literature, štampe, kartografije, te dela književne, pozorišne i likovne umetnosti nastojalo se na davanju odgovora na brojna slabo rasvetljena pitanja u istoriografiji: mesto Stare Srbije u nacionalno- oslobodilačkim i državotvornim planovima Karađorđa i kneza Miloša, oblik i način ispoljavanja etničke, nacionalne i istorijske svesti pravoslavnog stanovništva Stare Srbije, efekti politike kneza Miloša prema pašama u južnom susedstvu na položaj tamošnjih Srba, obim migracija stanovništva Stare Srbije u Srbiju i njihov uticaj na na porast stanovništva Srbije i promenu etničke i konfesionalne slike Stare Srbije, pomoć Srbije srpskim crkvama i manastirima u Staroj Srbiji i uticaj privrednih i ekonomskih odnosa Srbije i Stare Srbije na ekonomsko jačanje pravoslavne čaršije severno i južno od srpsko-turske granice.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper gives a detailed analysis of the relations between Serbia and Old Serbia since the beginning of the Serbian Revolution of 1804 until the end of the first reign of Prince Milos Obrenovic and issuing The Gilhane Edict in the Ottoman Empire in 1839. The analyzed period is a complete structure, with the necessary emphasis on social-political and ethnic changes in the Ottoman Empire in general and its European part from the 16th to the end of the 18th century, the previous development of Serbian national liberation and statehood ideas, changes in determining their own ethnic area in the Serbs until the end of the first half of the 19th century and building a modern Serbian state between 1804 and 1839. The paper offers a thorough description of the relationship between the rebellious Serbia of Prince Milos towards the Serbs and representatives of Turkish authorities in the Old Serbia and the response of the Serbs and Muslims in the Old Serbia to the creation and development of the Serbian state. Attention was focused on internal and foreign policy tangles which characterized the history of the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 19th century as well as on their impact on ethnic and confessional changes in the Old Serbia and the position of the local Serbs. The research basically relies on original material from the Archive of Serbia, so far undisclosed or poorly utilized. The aim of using unpublished sources of Serbian provenances, published foreign and domestic sources and literature, press, cartography, and works of literary, theatrical and visual arts was to provide answers to a number of poorly elucidated questions in historiography: the position of the Old Serbia in national, liberation and state-building plans of Karađorđe and Prince Milos, the form and manner of the manifestation of ethnic, national and historical consciousness of the Orthodox population of the Old Serbia, the effects of the Prince Milos's policy to pashas in the southern neighborhood to the position of the local Serbs, the extent of migrations of the Old Serbia population into Serbia and their impact on the Serbia population growth and change in ethnic and confessional images of the Old Serbia, the help that Serbia gave to Serbian churches and monasteries in the Old Serbia and the impact of commercial and economic relations between Serbia and Old Serbia to the economic empowerment of Orthodox towns north and south of the Serbian-Turkish border.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177014/RS//
dc.subjectStara Srbijasr
dc.subjectSrpska revolucijasr
dc.subjectOsmansko carstvosr
dc.subjectknez Miloš Obrenovićsr
dc.subjectĐorđe Petrović Karađorđesr
dc.subjectSerbian Revolutionen
dc.subjectPrinc Milos Obrenovicen
dc.subjectOttoman Empireen
dc.subjectOld Serbiaen
dc.subjectGeorge Petrovic Kara Georgeen
dc.titleSrbija i Stara Srbija:(1804-1839)sr
dc.titleSerbia and Old Serbia:(1804-1839)en



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