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Overt and hidden curricula in theaching sociology in secondary schools : educational reforms in Serbia (1960-2006)

dc.contributor.advisorMilić, Anđelka
dc.contributor.otherMolnar, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherSpasić, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherFilipović, Mirko
dc.creatorJarić, Isidora
dc.description.abstractTeza razmatra problem konstruisanja javnih i skrivenih kurikuluma srednjoškolske nastave sociologije u Srbiji u periodu izmedju 1960. i 2006. godine. Predočena anliza pokušava da rekonstruiše s jedne strane socijalni i politički kontekst društva Srbije, a sa druge obrise sociološke strukovne realnosti i prilika unutar zajednice sociologa u odredjenim istorijskim periodima kako bi razumela realna značenja odredjenih aspekata (javnih i skrivenih) kurikuluma u istorijskom interpretativnom kontekstu unutar koga su oni konstruisani. U analizi je korišćeno nekoliko različitih vrsta empirijskih podataka: (a) zvanični partijski i državni dokumenati relevanti za period i temu koje pokriva ovo istraživanje, (b) različiti zakonski i podzakonski akti kojima je regulisano polje srednjoškolske nastave i preciznije srednjoškolske nastave sociologije u različitim istorijskim periodima koje pokriva ova analiza, (c) raznolika arhivska gradja vezana za rasprave unutar užih strukovnih socioloških krugova, (d) podaci dobijeni iz izvedenih intervjua sa savremenicima neposredno uključenim u proces proizvodnje nastavnih planova i programa sociologije i udžbenika sociologije, i (e) podaci dobijeni analizom srednjoškolskih udžbenika sociologije korišćenih u periodu 1960-2006. Na osnovu ovih različitih vrsta podataka, a uz pomoć metodološkog postupka diskurzivne analize rad mapira tri različita istorijska perioda u kojima su izvršene značajne reformske intervencije u polju srednjoškolske nastave sociologije koji se vezuje za značajne reforme srednjoškolskog obrazovanja, koje su se odigrale (a) krajem 1950tih i početkom 1960tih (reforma gimnazija), (b) krajem 1970tih (reforma usmerenog obrazovanja) i (c) početkom 1990tih (reforma srednjoškolskog obrazovanja potaknuta raspadom bivše jugoslovenske države). Analiza pokazuje da je u ovim različitim istorijskim periodima odnos izmedju različitih aspekata skrivenog kurikuluma (pre svega poruka koje su bile u saglasju sa zahtevima države i političkog sistema i onim koje su proizhodile iz logike struke sociologije i klime unutar strukovne zajednice sociologa) unutar udžbeničkog teksta različito tematizovan. Upravo tematizacija ovog sistemskog protivurečja unutar skrivenog kurikuluma srednjoškolske nastave sociologije otkriva dragocene podatke vezane za istoriju sociologije na ovim
dc.description.abstractThe thesis addresses the construction of the overt and the hidden curricula of teaching high school sociology subject in Serbia between 1960 and 2006. The analysis hereby presented attempts to reconstruct the social and political context of Serbian society, on the one hand, and the outlines of sociological vocational reality and specific occasions within the sociological community in certain historical periods, on the other. Thus, the thesis strives to contribute to the understanding of the real meaning of certain aspects of (both overt and hidden) curricula in the historical interpretative context within which they were constructed. The analysis has been based on several types of empirical data: (a) the official Party and state documents relevant to the research topic and period covered by the study, (b) the various legal and sub-legal acts that regulate the field of secondary education, and more precisely sociology teaching within secondary education in different historical periods covered by the analysis, (c) diverse archive materials relating to debates within the narrow sociological professional circles, (d) data and findings derived from interviews with contemporaries directly involved in the production of curricula and high school textbooks in sociology, and (e) the data obtained by analysis of high school sociology textbooks used in the period 1960-2006. Based on these different types of data and the use of a methodological procedure of discursive analysis, the presented study maps three different historical periods in which the area of high school sociology teaching has significantly changed. These periods are closely linked to the major reforms of secondary education, which took place (a) in the late 1950s and early 1960s (reform of gymnasia), (b) in the late 1970s (the reform of vocational education) and (c) in the early 1990s (the reform of secondary education inspired by the disintegration of the former Yugoslav state). The analysis shows that in these different historical periods, the relationship between different aspects of the hidden curriculumwithin the textbook narratives has been differently thematized. This particularly refers to the messages that were derived from the requirements of the state and political system, as well as those that were derived from the logic of the sociological profession and the atmosphere within the professional community of sociologists. This thematization of the system’s contradiction within the hidden curriculum of high school sociology teaching reveals valuable evidence about the history of sociology in this region.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179035/RS//
dc.subjectsrednjoškolsko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectskriveni kurikulumsr
dc.subjectobrazovne reformesr
dc.subjectIstorija sociologijesr
dc.subjectsecondary educationen
dc.subjectHistory of sociologyen
dc.subjecthidden curriculumen
dc.subjecteducational reformsen
dc.titleJavni i skriveni kurikulumi srednjoškolske nastave sociologije : obrazovne reforme u Srbiji (1960-2006)sr
dc.titleOvert and hidden curricula in theaching sociology in secondary schools : educational reforms in Serbia (1960-2006)en

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