Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Problems of Serbian youth: Growing up within the context of social crisis

dc.creatorPešić, Jelena
dc.creatorVidenović, Marina
dc.creatorPlut, Dijana
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdimo sa kojim se problemima suočavaju mladi u Srbiji i kako procenjuju njihovu težinu, kao i da li postoje razlike u zavisnosti od pola, uzrasta, tipa škole i dela Srbije u kome mladi žive. Zanimalo nas je i da li su problemi, tipični za adolescentni uzrast i globalne društvene promene, pojačani odrastanjem u uslovima duboke ekonomske krize i tranzicije. Istraživanje je obavljeno 2007. godine, na uzorku od 2419 mladih, stratifikovanom po regionu (Beograd, Severna, Centralna i Južna Srbija), uzrastu (od prvog do četvrtog razreda srednje škole) i tipu škole (gimnazije i srednje stručne škole). Korišćen je upitnik konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju da većinu ispitivanih problema mladi ne doživljavaju kao velike ili posebno ugrožavajuće. Tri problema najviše brinu mlade, u smislu da ih više od trećine doživljava kao veće ili velike probleme: malo zanimljivih mesta za izlaske (46%), nedostatak slobodnog vremena (41%) i dosada (35%). Iznenađujuće mali broj mladih ima ozbiljnijih problema u odnosu sa roditeljima (22%) i vršnjacima (14%). Devojke i stariji srednjoškolci dosledno procenjuju skoro sve razmatrane probleme kao teže. Generalni zaključak je da dobijena slika nije onespokojavajuća, čemu verovatno najviše doprinose lepota, energija i optimizam same mladosti, kao životnog
dc.description.abstractObjective of this research was to identify problems that young people in Serbia have been dealing with, also how they perceive the weight of these problems and whether there are the gender, age, school type and regional differences in their perception of problems. We were also interested to find out if problems typical of adolescence, as well as problems characterizing some global social changes are intensified within the context of prolonged social crisis and transition. Research was conducted in October 2007, on a sample of 2419 young people, stratified by the region (Belgrade, North Central and South Serbia), age (first to fourth grade of secondary school) and school type (gymnasium, three years and four years vocational schools). An original questionnaire, constructed for this research, was applied. Results have shown that the majority of investigated problems have not been perceived as particularly big or harmful ones. Young people are most concerned with three problems (meaning that one third or more of youngsters find them to be big or relatively big ones): the lack of interesting places to go out (46%), the lack of time for leisure activities (41%) and boredom (35%). Surpassingly few youngster reported to have bigger problems with their parents (22%) or peers (14%). Girls and senior high school students systematically perceive almost all problems as harder ones. We could conclude that the gained picture was not gloomy, as it was expected, which could probably be attributed to joy, energy and optimism of these young people in this life span period.en
dc.publisherInstitut za političke studije, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpska politička misao
dc.subjectslobodno vreme mladihsr
dc.subjectdruštvena krizasr
dc.subjectyoung people's leisureen
dc.subjectsocial crisisen
dc.titleProblemi mladih u Srbiji - odrastanje u uslovima društvene krizesr
dc.titleProblems of Serbian youth: Growing up within the context of social crisisen
dc.citation.other(3): 157-181



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