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The analysis of actual and symbolic models of secondary school students in Serbia

dc.creatorStepanović Ilić, Ivana
dc.creatorPavlović-Babić, Dragica
dc.creatorKrnjaić, Zora
dc.description.abstractU radu je ispitivano na koga se ugledaju srednjoškolci u Srbiji. U adolescenciji dolazi do postepenog odvajanja od roditeljskih figura i modeli ponašanja postaju druge osobe. Zato je srednjoškolska populacija zanimljiva za istraživanje ove vrste, posebno kada se ima u vidu da modeli deluju na socijalni aspekt, ali i na druge aspekte razvoja. Ispitivani su modeli iz sfere privatnog (uzori) i javnog života (idoli). Osnovni cilj bio je da se utvrdi ko su uzori i idoli srednjoškolaca, i zbog čega se oni ugledaju na njih. Na osnovu podataka o uzorima srednjoškolaca moguće je identifikovati ko su značajne osobe u njihovom okruženju i zašto su im važne. Podaci o kategorijama u koje se mogu svrstati idoli i o njihovoj zastupljenosti u istraživanjima ove vrste predstavljaju pokazatelj vrednosnog sistema mladih. Uzorak čini 2426 učenika iz 26 škola iz devet gradova u Srbiji. Uzori i idoli ispitivani su odvojenim pitanjima, u kojima su učenici navodili do tri osobe iz privatnog i javnog života na koje se ugledaju. Uzore navodi 53,9% učenika. Najčešći uzor su majke. Približno polovina ispitanika (49,3%) ima idole među javnim ličnostima. Idoli su najčešće iz sveta estrade. Rezultati pokazuju da roditeljske figure ostaju modeli ponašanja i u adolescenciji. Podaci o kategorijama idola govore o okrenutosti mladih ka svetu zabave i ukazuju na slabo delovanje škole kao potencijalnog izvora modela iz sveta nauke i kulture koji promovišu saznajne vrednosti.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper deals with role models of secondary school students in Serbia. In the course of adolescence, there is a gradual separation from parental figures, and other persons become role models for behavior. For that reason, secondary school population is of interest when analyzing this phenomenon, particularly bearing in mind that role models influence not only social, but also other aspects of development. We analyzed role models from students' personal (actual models) and public life (symbolic models). The main aim was to determine who their actual and symbolic models are, and why secondary school students look up to them. Based on the data on secondary school students' actual models, it is possible to identify who important persons from their milieu are and why they are important to them. The data about the categories in which symbolic models can be divided, as well as about their occurrence, indicate the young people's system of values in these analyses. The sample comprises 2426 students from 26 schools in 9 Serbian towns. Actual and symbolic models were examined in separate questions, where students were asked to name up to three people from their private life or the world of celebrities that they look up to. 53,9% of students named their actual models, the most common being their mothers. Nearly half the examinees (49,3%) stated their symbolic models are public figures. Most symbolic models are from the world of show-business. The results show that parental figures remain the models of behavior throughout adolescence. The data about the categories of symbolic models show the young are drawn to the world of entertainment and indicate a weak role of schools as a potential source of models in the fields of science and culture who would promote cognitive values.en
dc.publisherInstitut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
dc.subjectsymbolic modelsen
dc.subjectsecondary school studentsen
dc.subjectrole modelsen
dc.subjectactual modelsen
dc.titleIspitivanje uzora i idola srednjoškolaca u Srbijisr
dc.titleThe analysis of actual and symbolic models of secondary school students in Serbiaen
dc.citation.other41(2): 401-417



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