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Psycho-social context of teenage alcohol abuse

dc.creatorPlut, Dijana
dc.creatorVidenović, Marina
dc.creatorPešić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractUvod. Pijenje mladih nema isti smisao kao pijenje starijih. Za mlade to je oblik osvajanja zrelosti i distinktivna osobenost, u vršnjačkoj grupi visoko vrednovanog, životnog stila. Iz perspektive mladih, problem imaju ne oni koji piju već oni koji ne piju. Cilj rada. Ispitali smo: prvo, koliko često se srednjoškolci opijaju (prema samooceni i prema proceni vršnjaka iz odeljenja) i, drugo, sa kojim faktorima je povezana sklonost mladih ka opijanju. Metod rada. Zadata su dva upitnika. Ispitano je 1745 učenika uzrasta od drugog do četvrtog razreda iz svih tipova srednjih škola. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 25 škola iz 9 gradova Srbije ravnomerno regionalno raspoređenih. Rezultati. Prema sopstvenom priznanju, više od dva puta se opilo 58% srednjoškolaca dok se prema procenama vršnjaka opija najmanje 42% učenika a možda i više. Mladići se opijaju više od devojaka, stariji više nego mlađi. Učenici koji se više opijaju imaju lošiji odnos sa roditeljima (p lt .00), subotom provode manje vremena sa porodicom (p lt .02), takođe, imaju više problema sa nastavnicima i sa učenjem (p lt .00). Mladi iz ove grupe zadovoljniji su odnosom sa bliskim vršnjacima (p lt .01) i među njima nalaze osobu na koju mogu da se oslone (p lt .00). Opterećenost ličnim problemima ne razlikuje se u ove dve grupe. Zaključak. Broj mladih koji se opijaju je zabrinjavajuće velik pogotovo kada se ima u vidu velika kulturna tolerancija prema piću. Naši podaci potvrđuju pretpostavku da pijenje ima važnu ulogu u socijalnom životu mladih jer su mladi koji piju čvršće vezani za vršnjačku grupu od onih koji ne piju. Sledstveno, njihovi odnosi sa svetom odraslih su ređi i konfliktniji. Podaci ukazuju na to da je važno da odrasli ne ustuknu pred snažnim magnetizmom vršnjačke grupe jer je prisustvo odraslih u životima mladih glavna zaštita mladih od zabavnog ali veoma rizičnog nemira vršnjačke grupe.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Youth drinking has a different meaning that drinking at an older age. For youth, it is a form of conquering maturity and a trait of distinction, a lifestyle highly valued by peers. From the youth perspective, the problem is with those who do not drink, not those who do. Objective. We surveyed first, the frequency of alcohol abuse among high school students (self-assessment and classmate assessment), and second, factors related to the tendency for alcohol abuse in youth. Method. Two questionnaires were developed for 1745 pupils in grades 10-12 of all types of secondary schools. The survey covered 25 schools from 9 evenly distributed Serbian cities. Results. 58% of pupils declare they have been drunk more than twice, while peer assessments suggest at least 41% of pupils abuse alcohol - boys more than girls, older students more than younger ones. Students more prone to alcohol abuse have a worse relationship with parents (p lt .00), spend less time with families on Saturdays (p lt .02), and have more problems with teachers and studying (p lt .00). They are satisfied with their relations with close peers (p lt .01) and find reliable persons among them (p lt .00). Experience of personal problems is the same in these two groups. Conclusion. The number of young people abusing alcohol is disturbingly high, especially given the obvious culture of tolerance for drinking. Our data confirm the assumption that drinking plays an important role in youth social life, manifested in stronger bonds with peer groups. Consequently, their relations with the world of adults are less frequent and more confrontational. Data indicate the importance of adults not retreating before peer group magnetism, since adult presence in the lives of young people is key to their protection from the fun but highly risky unrest of the peer group.en
dc.publisherKlinički centar Srbije - Klinika za psihijatriju, Beograd i Udruženje psihijatara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectfaktori rizikasr
dc.subjectrisk factorsen
dc.subjecthigh school studentsen
dc.subjectalcohol abuseen
dc.titlePsihosocijalni kontekst opijanja srednjoškolacasr
dc.titlePsycho-social context of teenage alcohol abuseen
dc.citation.other31(3-4): 29-38



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