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Locus of control at work and active job seeking

dc.creatorPetrović, Ivana
dc.creatorČizmić, Svetlana
dc.creatorKovačević, Panta
dc.description.abstractObuhvatnija istraživanja problema nezaposlenosti potiču iz razvijenih zemalja sa stabilno rastućom privrednom aktivnošću (do globalne ekonomske krize 2008. godine), tako da je specifično pitanje kako koncepti i teorije nastali u uspešnim privrednim okolnostima objašnjavaju problem gubitka posla ljudi u tranzitornoj privredi. Problem ovog istraživanja jeste povezanost lokusa kontrole na radu i aktivnog traženja posla u uslovima izražene rastuće nezaposlenosti u privredi u tranziciji. Za potrebe istraživanja prevedene su i adaptirane Skala proaktivnog traženja posla, Skala intenziteta traženja posla (Andrić, 2004) i Spektorova Skala lokusa kontrole na radu (Spector 1988). Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćeni klijenti Nacionalne službe za zapošljavanje koji su izgubili posao (N=254). Pouzdanost Skale lokusa kontrole na radu izražena Kronbahovim alfa koeficijentom je 0.792, pouzdanost Skale proaktivnog traženja posla je 0.843, a pouzdanost Adaptirane skale intenziteta traženja posla je 0.832. U uslovima velike nezaposlenosti utvrđena je niska povezanost između lokusa kontrole na radu i opštijeg pripremnog angažovanja u traženju posla (proaktivno traženje). Na ispitanom uzorku nezaposlenih u Srbiji utvrđena je i slaba povezanost između faktora unutrašnjeg lokusa kontrole, s jedne, i proaktivnog traženja posla (r=0.24 p=0.00) i intenziteta traženja posla (r=0.18, p=0.00), s druge strane. Proaktivno traženje i intenzitet traženja posla su u visokoj korelaciji (r=0.74, p=0.00). Nezaposleni sa višim i visokim obrazovanjem intenzivnije traže posao od nezaposlenih sa osnovnim i srednjim obrazovanjem.sr
dc.description.abstractMore comprehensive researches of the unemployment problem come from the developed countries with the steadily growing economic activity (to the global economic crisis in 2008), so the specific question is how concepts and theories developed under the successful economic circumstances explain the problem of losing jobs in transitional economy. The problem of this research is the correlation (link) of the locus of control at work and active job seeking in the conditions of clear growing unemployment in the economy in transition. The scale of proactive job seeking, scale of intensity of job seeking (Andrić, 2004) and Spector's work locus of control scale (Spector 1988) were translated and adapted for the research needs. The National Employment Service clients who lost their jobs were included in the research (N=254). The reliability of the scale of the locus of control expressed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.792, the reliability of the scale of proactive job seeking is 0.843 and the reliability of the adapted scale of the intensity of job seeking is 0.832. Under the circumstances of high unemployment a low correlation was determined between the locus of control at work and more general, preparatory engagement in job seeking (proactive seeking). On the basis of the examined sample of the unemployed in Serbia a weak correlation was determined between the factors of internal locus of control on one hand, and proactive job seeking (r=0.24, p=0.00) and the intensity of job seeking (r=0.18, p=0.00) on the other hand. Proactive seeking and intensity of job seeking are highly correlated (r=0.74, p=0.00). The unemployed with high and higher education look for jobs more intensively that the unemployed with elementary and secondary education.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceAndragoške studije
dc.subjectproaktivno traženje poslasr
dc.subjectlokus kontrole na radusr
dc.subjectintenzitet traženja poslasr
dc.subjectaktivno traženje poslasr
dc.subjectproactive job seekingen
dc.subjectlocus of control at worken
dc.subjectintensity of job seekingen
dc.subjectactive job seekingen
dc.titleLokus kontrole na radu i aktivno traženje poslasr
dc.titleLocus of control at work and active job seekingen
dc.citation.other(2): 307-322



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