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Quality of social relations and school achievement of students of different age

dc.creatorSpasenović, Vera
dc.description.abstractU našoj stručno-naučnoj literaturi nisu podrobnije izučavani socijalni odnosi učenika sa vršnjacima, a obavljena ispitivanja retko su bila usmerena na povezanost tih odnosa sa uspehom u školi. Posebno je zapostavljeno poređenje kvaliteta socijalnih odnosa i školskog postignuća na različitim uzrastima, što je osnovni cilj ovog rada. Uzorak je činilo 235 učenika petog i 230 učenika osmog razreda iz devet (ukupno 18) odeljenja u svakom razredu, odabranih iz četiri škole sa užeg područja Beograda. Pored učenika, ispitivanjem su obuhvaćene i njihove odeljenjske starešine čiji je broj odgovarao broju odeljenja iz kojih su poticali učenici (18). U korelacionu matricu za učenike 5. i 8. razreda uneto je 27 varijabli, a faktorskom analizom je izdvojeno po 9 faktora koji su se između dva uzrasta samo malo razlikovali. U oba slučaja, najveći značaj za objašnjenje ukupne varijabilnosti imaju prihvaćenost od strane vršnjaka i usmerenost ka vršnjacima. Faktori koji u multiploj logističkoj regresiji u najvećoj meri određuju školsko postignuće učenika 5. razreda su njihova prihvaćenost, karakteristike roditelja (stepen obrazovanja i zaposlenost) i socijalna prilagođenost. Kada je reč o učenicima 8. razreda, školska sprema roditelja i socijalna prilagođenost su direktno povezani sa uspehom u školi, a agresivnost s ovom varijablom stoji u obrnutom odnosu.sr
dc.description.abstractSocial relations between students and their peers have not been studied more extensively in our expert scientific literature, and performed studies have rarely focused on the association between these relations and school achievement. Comparison of the quality of social relations and school achievement at different ages has been especially neglected, which is the basic goal of this paper. The sample comprised 235 fifth-grade students and 230 eighth-grade students from nine (18 in total) classes in each grade, selected from four schools from the narrow Belgrade area. Besides students, research also comprised their class teachers, whose number corresponded to the number of classes that students came from (18). Twenty-seven variables were entered in correlation matrix for fourth- and eighth-grade students, and factor analysis yielded nine factors, which were only slightly different between the two ages. In both cases, acceptance by peers and orientation towards peers had the biggest importance in explaining the total variability. The factors in multiple logistic regression which determined the school achievement of fifth-graders to the largest extent were their acceptance, parents' characteristics (educational level and employment) and social adaptation. When it comes to eighth-grade students, educational level of parents and social adaptation are directly correlated with school success, and aggressiveness is inversely correlated with this variable.en
dc.publisherInstitut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
dc.subjectškolsko postignućesr
dc.subjectkvalitet socijalnih odnosasr
dc.subjectquality of social relationshipsen
dc.subjectacademic achievementen
dc.titleKvalitet socijalnih odnosa i školsko postignuće učenika različitog uzrastasr
dc.titleQuality of social relations and school achievement of students of different ageen
dc.citation.other41(2): 331-348



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