Укупан број посета

From National Representation to Self-Organised Exhibiting: Artists from the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes at the 1926 Sesquicentennial International Exposition in Philadelphia1050145
Emancipatory Education and Development of Alternative Educational Practices980007
“Use Me, When Needed Again”: Performing Heritage at Monuments of the Yugoslav Era926309
The Therapeutic Role of Monastic Paideia for ASD Individuals: The Case of Hildegard of Bingen and her Lingua Ignota828697
Bassianae – a reassessment of epigraphic evidence753696
Exploring, expounding & ersatzing: a three-level account of deep learning models in cognitive neuroscience.630613
Evolucionizаm u frаncuskoj umetnosti druge polovine 19. i početkom 20. vekа494356
Reveling the factors influencing social media usage in Serbian youth464760
Tišina slike, buka pogleda, postantropocentrični senzorijum431517
Antonius Merkel and Carolus Raissinger: Disputes Re- Garding the Medical Treatment of Patients in Sombor in 1775424154