REFF, i.e. Faculty of Philosophy Repository is a joint digital repository of the all departments in University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy. REFF provides open access to the publications, as well as to other outputs of the research projects implemented in this institution.
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Recently Added
Extended tenure in school leadership: Are there only benefits?
(University of Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, 2027) -
Архитектура палате Поповић Тонкић у Лесковцу / Architecture of the Popović Tonkić palace in Leskovac
(Народни музеј Лесковац, 03-10-2024) -
Stronger teeth, longer life? Correlation of presence and frequency of LEH and longevity at EBA necropoles Mokrin and Ostojićevo
(European Association of Archaeologists, 08-2024) -
Istraživanje subjektivne percepcije sigurnosti u javnim prostorima: uvidi iz Evropskog društvenog istraživanja / Exploring Subjective Perception of Safety in Public Spaces: Insights from the European Social Survey
(Fakultet bezbednosti Univerzitet u Beogradu, Arhitektonski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu, 01-07-2024) -
Doprinos utopijskog pristupa razvoju kritičkog mišljenja u obrazovanju odraslih / The utopian approach contribution to the development of critical thinking in adult education
(Универзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултет, 02-04-2024) -
Memorial Church in Gornji Adrovac as a symbol of Serbo-Russian cultural, political, national, and artistic ties in the late 19th and early 20th Century / Спомен-црква у Горњем Адровцу као симбол српско-руских културних, политичких, националних и уметничких веза на крају XIX и почетком XX века
(Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Prištini, 05-03-2024) -
Body Learns - Body Knows - Body Does Performing heritage as educational and heritage interpretation tool
(Univerzitet umetnosti u Beogradu, CLIO, Beograd, 2024) -
“Use Me, When Needed Again”: Performing Heritage at Monuments of the Yugoslav Era
(De Greuyter, 2024) -
Slika jugoslovenskog društva u časopisima Life i Time, 1945-1980 / The Image of Yugoslav Society in the Magazines Life and Time 1945–1980
(Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd, 2024) -
Слика Латина у делу Св. Саве, Стефана Првовенчаног и Доментијана / The image of Latins in the works of St. Sava, Stefan the First –Crowned and Domentijan
(Центар за црквене студије, Ниш, Универзитет у Нишу (Центар за византијско-словенске студије), 2024) -
Reveling the factors influencing social media usage in Serbian youth
(Book of Abstracts, XXX Empirical Studies in Psychology, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, 2024) -
Kantov kategorički imperativ kao vodič za moralno ispravno postupanje / Kant’s Categorical Imperative As A Guide To Moral Agency
(Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, 2024) -
Kriza v šoli in šola v krizi: primer beograjske šole »Vladislav Ribnikar«
(Filozofska Fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija, 2024) -
The Therapeutic Role of Monastic Paideia for ASD Individuals: The Case of Hildegard of Bingen and her Lingua Ignota
(Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, 2024) -
Представе Вазнесења Христовог у српској уметности
(ТВ ХРАМ,, 2024) -
Kvаjn o ontološkim obаvezаmа i subdeterminаciji / Quine on ontological commitment and underdetermination
(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet, 2024) -
Представе Благовести у српској уметности
(ТВ ХРАМ,, 2024) -
Predictors of Ethnic identity delegitimization in two entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Institute of Psychology & Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2024)